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Hey everyone! Here is your monthly dose of All Things Jam :) This month has been pretty hectic on my end due to the addition of a new family member (read on for details :) ). I hope you're keeping well and safe. 

Welcome to new Patrons 🎉 Jeff, 🎉Farinda, 🎉Peter and 🎉Lauren!! Thank you so much for upgrading your pledge,  🎉 Damon!

Here's what happened on Wasted Talent...

and here on Patreon...

$1 Patrons - Early Access

I posted some nice word art from our local Top Doctor (Dr. Bonnie Henry), and one of the final pages of Food Zine (Shakshukka)!

$2 Patrons - Sneaky Peaks

I posted some fanart and a review of Dorohedoro , as well as some cute Fashion Cattes that I drew for practice. 

$5 Patrons - Behind the Scenes

I posted a vlog where I spoke a bit about "mental reframing" and also posted about a project I'm doing to rebind old sketchbooks :)

$10 Patrons - the LAB

In the lab I posted a bunch of Sad Comix!!!  I'm also in the process of assembling some goodies in the mail for this tier. Comix! Stickers! Yay!

Programming Notes for Patreon

Ok, I wanted to bring this back for the benefit of new patrons and also as a little "heads up". So right now we are sitting exactly at $300/mo with everyone who has pledged. (THANK YOU!!) but throughout this month we have dipped below $300 a few times. I'm going to count this month as "above $300". That means that there will be two $5 posts, and I will keep working on the "making of" PDF for Food Zine, which is wrapping up. As you'll note, we're still below $400/mo, which means that instead of  Patreon-Exclusive Hourly Comics Day, I'm going to do another Fanart Request Day (the $100/mo goal). 

Some things to look forward to on this Patreon..

  • Shenzhen Fast is almost finished being coloured, and I'm going to start posting finished pages at the $1 level! \o/ 
  • I'm working on a fun surprise for Patrons involving cats and stickers at the $5 level, which is related to my next project
  • My next project is the Career Zine, which is going to start getting posted at $2
  • I have been drawing more Sad Comix, mostly venting about the current era, and those will get posted to $10. 

Thanks so much for being here everyone, it's nice to have a structured way to share content and stay connected with you all. 


I signed up to be a foster to cats, and this month I was able to welcome Parker into my home! He's a 4yo Persian cat whose owner recently died :'( so he's a depressed kitty. He's not eating very well, but he's a sweetheart and he's getting used to me and my apartment. 

I'm not sure how long I'll have him (it depends on how long it takes him to feel more stable) and I'm not really in a position to be his forever home, but gosh having him here for now is just lovely. :) I'm sure you can probably tell that I love cats and I've wanted one of my own for a long, long time. I wanted to seize this crummy opportunity of needing to stay put to do something that I've wanted to do for a long, long time and so far I'm really happy with my decision! 

So yes, if you're interested expect to hear more about this cat haha

Ok, that's it for now, thanks so much everyone!




Ohhhh! That pic of Parker lying on your arm makes me so happy for you two! ♥ -jess


He's (usually) a real snuggle bug ;0; I lucked out for sure