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Remember last year when this meme was going around? I thought it would be fun to partake. 

The original is 5x7" (coloured with marker) and I would love to send it to one of you! 

Just leave me a comment that says you're interested, and I'll do a random number draw from the entries. <3 Thank you!

* update here is the draw!




Sure, I'd take whatever you'd like to send. 👍🏿


I'm definitely interested.


I'm not interested in the original. However i wanted to comment on the redraw : You are one of the few that managed to convey exactly the same emotion in your redraw as in the original picture. Most of the redraw that I saw lacked the fear in the eyes of Sailor Moon. You managed it and I love it. Well done.


I would be interested, provided far international mail is working and affordable right now - if not, totally cool too, no worries!


Would definitely be interested in this or any other set picture 😊

Melissa Huston

I would be interested! Although it would be a surprise for my sister or friend rather than for me. :)


That's so kind :)) thank you! The emotion of the original really stood out to me (especially since I did a recent rewatch of this series) so I'm really happy it came through


Ok entries closed, doing the random draw now


The winner is #3! Thanks everyone :D