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Hey, a little 'Wasted Talent'! :D I drew this on a recent livestream, and I wanted to share it and use it as an opportunity to talk about livestreaming a little bit more. 

Sfé and I have started livestreaming to twitch! I'm sorry there wasn't a more formal "announcement" for this. In the chaos that is COVID-19, we were just trying to figure out how we could best make use of this time. Like most other people, our longer term plans have been completely upended! We have both been curious about livestreaming for awhile, but honestly we weren't sure we would enjoy it/be any good at it/or if anyone would care. So we decided the best thing to do would be to just... try it!

We call our little livestream the "Hyggecast". Hygge is a Danish concept that involves cosyness. We have encountered a lot of livestreams/twitch streams that are very loud! and energetic! and kind of frantic!... and Sfé and I were really keen to create the opposite of that. We wanted to create a space where we could invite people that would feel like hanging out with two friends :) Right now our setup is to steam with joint audio, but one of us broadcasts a tabletop view, and the other broadcasts a digital view (monitor or tablet). For the tabletop we always want it to look cute and have really nice snacks haha. 

The reason we wanted to include the monitor view is because sometimes that's a better viewing experience for art. It's clearer to see and a lot easier to broadcast. Also... realistically, we often have way more computer work to do than table work. 

I don't think we'll be recording these, at least not in full. Another one of our goals is to create a more intimate/ephermal experience :)

So far it has been working out! I have been furloughed (forced to take one day of vacation) 1 day per week, and I have decided to take Monday afternoons and Friday afternoons. Since my long term vision for my work as a cartoonist was to eventually find a more flexible role that would allow things like this... I decided to take this opportunity to test it. 

So if that interests you, join us on Monday or Friday and let us know what you think :D

(I'm thinking about cleaning up this comic a bit more... what do you think, is it worth it?)



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