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(Oooh Patreon has changed their multi-image post options a bit, let me know if this interface works better for multi-image posts!)

Okay! So last time I shared how I take a script to the page breakdown stage. Next, let's take it a step further and really break down what words and images are going to be on each page!

This stage has a few key goals:

  • Figure out what you're going to draw and write on every page (duh- but also make sure you can fit it all and are not forgetting anything).
  • Once it's drawn, take a step back and reassess it for flow, layout, imagery... is there anything that you  missed that you can use to really tighten this up?

I think this looks ok, but I'm going to mull it over a little longer. There are ALWAYS changes between the thumbnails and the finals, but it's great to have a "draft" to work from. It's a great way to combat the "blank page" problem of getting started. 

The words themselves will also change (and not look so sloppy) but trying to cram text onto thumbnails helps me to make sure I'm not trying to cram too many words into one page or panel. This is something that's really easy to do by accident during script-writing!

One thing I realize in breaking this down into thumbnails is that I dedicate a lot of time in this "career advice" zine telling you not to stress out so much! Haha, that there are many ways to achieve life satisfaction outside a "career". I think I'm ok with it, because that is something that I do believe, but I might want to rethink how I am framing this zine. 

The other thing that I tried to do is blend the "jam" character that I built up through Wasted Talent as a thing related to engineering, and this cat thing that I've started to associate with friendly zines (like Self Care SOS). I kind of like the way this hybrid worked out. In Go Veg I created a kind of... blank person (?) avatar, and it wasn't very fun to draw. I also don't want the focus to be on ME (as "jam"). All I want to draw is cats and I will NOT apologize. 

Let me know what you think, this will most likely be what I work on after Food Zine wraps :)




I noticed the cat persons and was super excited that they were kitty people! <3 I'm so excited about this zine and really want to share a version with a friend, so if it's also available for purchase, I'll probably get one for her, too. :)