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The 'cardboard mask' welder wasn't even the only person we saw welding things so dangerously while we were in China. It was really apparent how directly related customer requirements and facility safety standards were... and to a secondary degree, safety standards and the price of goods being offered. 

It's not necessarily true that an expensive product will have been made in a facility that treats its workers better, but price savings have to come from somewhere and that's something that I think about often. 




That's something my coworkers and I talk about a lot, so it's interesting to see it laid out this way. The cost savings does come from somewhere, and sometimes it can be another person's health and well-being. I've heard that workers in India are demanding better working conditions and more appropriate wages, so some things that seemed to be moving to India are now reverting back to other countries (such as China). Again, I'm so glad to see you mentioning this in Shenzhen Fast, because it's definitely something others are thinking about so it's useful to see that the people designing and creating objects are also weighing pros and cons like you are here. Thanks for letting us see this side! -jess


Of course! It's something I would think about a lot.