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More dangerously unsexy work involved with the Wasted Talent rerun! My designer suggested that I hand-draw the elements for the new website, so I worked on that for a bit. These aren't done and are going to need a lot of tweaking, but the drawing of it is just technical work so that's what I focused on for now. 

Redrawing logos is tricky, I never seem to know how hand-drawn vs. how on-model I should strive for. It's a difficult balance to try and strike. Still! I think my designer Madison was right, even with this small change it definitely looks a lot more like "my" site. I'm excited about it :)




This is one of those "small" things (I know it's not small work, but I just think it can be easily overlooked when it's done well) that I really appreciate when artists do on their sites. I love seeing the progress on this!


Thanks!! I'm glad you're enjoying it, it feels very slow hehe