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Wahoo! Today I just got back the last of the reformatted webtoons which means that the "best of" collection is now 100% formatted for "webtoon"(mobile)! Wooo!

This was a HUGE task... honestly even just keeping on top of the OTHER people doing this FOR me was challenging. Most of the comics were fairly straightforward (chop the panels and put them vertically) but some of them required major rework and editing. I'm really proud of the work that the freelancers did for me. 

In terms of the number of people involved, this is probably the most complex thing I've ever coordinated as a solo creator, so that's kind of neat! Even the kickstarter was just me and Hye (the designer). Well, and Paul from Hemlock, but that was still a supplier relationship. It's interesting to think about. 

Now that this big step is complete, I'm going to lean hard into getting the new website design off the ground. Hopefully it won't be too hard... I have goals to do this relaunch fairly soon. 

Wish me luck!!!




So excited for this!