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Been quietly chipping away at this one! Turning my pile of notes and photos into things that look more vaguely like panels! After this I'll probably do ANOTHER pass to create "tight pencils" before moving onto inks. Still pretty rough, but exciting to see pages come together and gaining some sort of coherence!

The purple lines you see all over this are perspective rulers! Which I finally... FINALLY... invested enough time to learn!!!!! Perspective is something that I've always kept an arm's length from. I knew Clip Studio had awesome tools for it, but it wasn't very intuitive. Thankfully it only took watching a youtube tutorial over and over a few times to finally figure it out. Now I can draw buildings that actually look like buildings! Which is going to be an asset for this comic that has a lot of modern architecture and big machines to draw.

This last page is halfway done so you can see how I have been sort of half-tracing the images to get them into panel shapes. In the rough panel I will be going back over and adding more detail AND more style so the end result will look more cohesive. 

I'm still really motivated by this piece, I think it's a really cool story that I'm excited to bring to life :)



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