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So I've been continuing to work on these Self Care zines in drips and drabs. It might seem a bit ridiculous to write down and illustrate avocado toast as, like... a recipe, but honestly what I've noticed is that when I'm struggling mentally (with depression or anxiety in my case), I completely forget that simple things like this are a thing you can do. I end up just eating really boring things over and over again - like toast with butter or nothing - or worse just eating bad microwaved or takeout food which only exacerbate my brain troubles - when cutting up an avocado is barely more difficult and much healthier!! 

I'm hoping to group these illustrations by season, because another thing I've noticed is that as soon as the season changes and I can't eat the thing I've been making for 3+ months I feel lost until I remember all this stuff again. :) (This is a 'summer' snack). 

I also have been working on a simpler zine that I've now nicknamed "Self Care SOS" which go through the basic steps you can take when you're feeling drained, overwhelmed, or just low. 

(I'm vegetarian, so if i'm feeling low 6/10 times it's because I'm low iron!)

I've been dreaming of a whole series of these 'SOS' zines for different kinds of crises (anger, anxiety, sadness). But I guess I have to complete one first because I can't work at them all at once!! (Though I'd like to...!)




I'm really excited about these, Jam! I'm in a similar place & have been eating out way too much. Thanks for the reminder to write this stuff down!