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This is week 3 (!?) Something notable about this week was that I travelled for work - 3 days - and still managed to keep up drawing cattes every day! That may seem small but that was actually a huge barrier to my momentum lately. Back when I had the webcomic, the deadline was enough to *force* me to work every day, but in the absence of that it's been really difficult to stay on top of things. I'm really grateful to these cattes for helping me to keep up momentum :)

In addition... this week I bought a new printer/scanner! :0 I've had my previous one for almost a decade?? I think???? It's really scary to change tools and I was too intimidated to do it while I had an active comic. The new scanner is very nice but a *bit* too small for 9x12" bristol (which I usually draw on). So that's annoying and I haven't figured out a way around it yet, but at least I'm not drawing on it every week!

Anyway, carrying on... :)




I'm really enjoying these cattes drawings! Cattes are ♥. 😀 -Jessica


These are so cute, wonderful, and creative! 😊🐱💜