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As I mentioned, I'm rebuilding my pillars from the ground up. For me, that means daily meditation, exercise, good diet and daily focused practice of art. 

It's really hard to take time out of your day to focus on just "practice" but I think it's really important. One thing that I realized recently is that my daily practice doesn't really have a structure, so I'm trying this time to follow one of my books: Drawing and Painting Fantasy Landscapes 

The first thing it said to do was to sketch landscapes, focusing on value (lightness and darkness) so that's what I tried to do this week. Also I'm using photos from a book about Zion national park (which I visited wayyyy back in, like.. 2006??)

The next stage seems to be rough composition, so that will be what I focus on in my mornings next week.




That's wonderful Jammy, that you're being healthy & meditating. As always, I love your drawings! I'm not a great artist like you, but I need to rebuild my pillars too. I haven't drawn much this year. I hope to be great like you one day! 😆💜