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Characters collide!!! Yaaaa. Ahbe and Railyn :) I really grew to love Ahbe over the course of this work, he's so neurotic. In the image above you could see his original Circle outfit and his Zumari disguise that he changes into in this chapter. 


This is a fantasy comic I completed in thumbnail form in 2014-2015. Check the attachment for thumbnails! For more background: https://www.patreon.com/posts/inventory-lost-7710527


  • DO comment as much as you like! 
  • DON'T share this work outside Patreon. It's incomplete and not intended for wider distribution. Thank you!!

It's rough! Sorry if the art or writing is illegible in places - feel free to call those places out and I can clarify :) 


For this scene: None I don't think?? Idle threats hehe




much like last week, i feel like i don't have any major comments to make, since the story is still being set up and i'd like to know more about where it's going before starting to draw any conclusions. broadly, i think it's moving along nicely and i'm still feeling interested and engaged with what's happening. i liked the banter between these two as well, it looks like they have a fun partnership developing. one minor note i made while reading was that the transition from crowded street to alleyway on page 2-21 was somewhat unclear, given that it seems to happen across two close-up panels. it may end up being clearer once you've drawn it properly in the final version of course, but i just thought i'd mention it so you can keep that in mind when the time comes. overall tho, everything is looking good so far 👌 and i agree Ahbe seems pretty cool, but i'm worried his ears aren't wacky enough, he may feel a bit self-conscious around the rest of the cast XD


hehehe for a long time my summary of this comic was "ladies with weird ears fight stuff."