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Time to sink some more energy into these inks... a few days left on the kickstarter for this project!! 

I wanted to share this panel even though it is NOT representative of what Sfé usually hands me. Their work is usually quite tight, but this panel in particular required quite a bit of "surgery" so I thought it would be interesting to share. 

I was telling a friend about this project and they seemed surprised that I would undertake an "inking" project. Again, because inking has a reputation for being less creative. But it's not! :) To me, this project is about interpreting Sfé's vision for the comic and making it as strong as it can be.  

This panel is a rotation of a view we see in page 1. Sfé had a very clear idea of the pose and camera angle they wanted to show, but their initial draft had some perspective inaccuracies (based on what was shown on page 1). What they handed me was the thin blue pencil. I did some "lasso transform" (moving figures around in the page) and made the thick blue pencil lines and handed it back to confirm with them. They then sent notes back in green. There were a few more stages back and forth until we arrived at the inks above. 

Thank goodness for dropbox, allowing us to push versions of the page easily back and forth ;)



IcyMidnight (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-08 09:33:12 I lack even words to say what I feel
2017-06-01 22:49:28 Interesting. Thanks for sharing :)

Interesting. Thanks for sharing :)