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I'm not sure how much we'll see of "Mister Dee" in the story, but it's very fun to write these characters interacting. It was also fun to brainstorm a bit more about how a 'Solarpunk Education' would play out in reality.

Mister Dee is a "travelling pedagogist" - he visits the youngest children that live in a few outer settlements (maybe 20 max), rotating between their houses throughout the week. He is responsible for guiding them through interesting and challenging projects for their current level, and also for coaching the "teachers" (everyday community members) who work with that child.

Education there is structured more around "access" than "qualification". If what you want to do carries no public risk and uses no shared resource, you don't need any qualification at all! If you want to attend an in-person lecture at a higher level (limited time available), you just need to prove that you have enough background knowledge to understand the material. That's what an access test would be :)



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