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More comix from the gym, it's always nice to have experts to help you confirm what is real. (Hypermobility is obviously real, just not for me.)

Other people have completely different training and experience from engineering! That's nice, I think. Considering we all have bodies we need to live in.




I work at a medical/health sciences library, and I often joke about how we're training the body translators who will later tell us what our bodies are saying. Considering we're the ones living in these things, we have a horrible track record of troubleshooting them! 😁 -jess

Thor Wilbanks

Like troubleshooting anything, years of experience is always invaluable. "I've seen that before, and what's going on is nothing like that," or "I've seen something that looked exactly like this, let's see if that's what's going on and whether the fix from last time works this time." Glad you have a good trainer.