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OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/qank7ehf

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/odgmsyj04n1fxhpfvo47j/Chuck-S04E24-Chuck-Versus-The-Cliffhanger-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=13vmogdcp7533nd9z3vpzl974&dl=0

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Jeremy Burch

Yay! Chuck and Sarah are married! Also, Morgan's the intersect? Interesting. I thought this was a great episode, I like that Hartley and Vivian got a happy ending, even though everything was a little rushed with their story, particularly Vivian turning evil, I still like how it ended. When I was watching the first time, I was a little worried that they were actually going to kill Sarah, especially when it kept flashing back to their practice wedding, I was wondering, why are they showing us them getting married, they better not kill her. A little bit into the episode though, I stopped thinking they were going to kill her. I thought, no, the whole episode is Chuck trying to save Sarah, if they killed her at the end it would break the audience with sadness, Chuck is not a show that does that, that's more for a show like Game of Thrones.


I love your website!! I think you guys did an amazing job on it!