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1. Nah that's NOT. just you ....If there's a maturity gap between 2 people who are in a relationship and let's say the woman is 50 and is mature and the guy is 20-ish and still acts immature ...Yeah that's a bit weird... SAME. goes if it's a man being mature and the girl is immature .....But IF. they're both either immature as FUCK. or both ARE. mature DESPITE. their age gap ...Then I see no issue with it 2. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwww 3. Just in case you were wondering what note 2 was about ...I just reached the part you messaged me about ....Ally gets called out of being a cock-tease and how she needs to apologize to Cyclops ....I was wondering how bad it was when you told me and ...Yeah... I refer back to note 2. 4. So she needs to apologize to him cause it's important he knows she's still interested??? .....The FUCK. kinda advise is that!?!? ....A rational.. Logical.. Well behaved man... Would RESPECT!!!!!! her decision not to rush things and would NOT!!!!!!! need an apology for it ....A GOOD!!!!!!! man would WAIT!!!!! until she's READY!!!!!! .......Who the FUCK. wrote this episode!?! 5. Good argument Froots... I looked it up even though I was already pretty sure of the answer... In the U.S. a show traditionally needs to hit the threshold of 100 episodes before it goes to syndication ...Soooooo... I guess we're just left to assume that Ling has already hit the 100 episode mark on her little court case show? ....A bit far fetched as she's only JUST. started her new job 6. Yeeeeeaaah... Cyclops is an immature little bitch apparently ....Dude got blue balled and is upset about it ...And Ally is apparently dumb enough to apologize for it .....But y'know what also kinda pissed me off in this scene ...Dude just took ONE. bite out of a big as FUCK. looking burger and then in a hissy fit threw the rest of it into the trash ....What a WASTE. of a good looking burger! .......I mean... Obviously the whole "apology" issue is MUCH. worse ...But I needed to side-bar for a moment.. Cool down and talk about something else 7. Ok that's also pretty fucked up... Ally said she didn't want to sleep with Cyclops cause she didn't want her NEXT. guy to think bad of her ....So she literally just told Cyclops that she only wanted to fuck him but didn't want anything serious to come out of all of it ...I mean... Look.. If people wanna screw around ...Their choice ...But at LEAST. be up front about it 8. Ally: "I feel sort of like an old soul" .....Bish... You're 31 years old ....You're not THAT. old ....She's talking to Cyclops like the age gap is MASSIVE..... Dude just said he's 28!!!! That's 3 fucking years!!!! We JUST. dealt with a case where the gap was almost 30 years! 30!!! ....The more Ally speaks about being an "old soul" the more I'm CONVINCED. she's self sabotaging and will NEVER. find love 9. Oh I'm sorry New Girl.... Did we forget your birthday??? ...Awww shucks ....Maaan... Y'know what it is though?? ...And I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark here ...But... Could it have something to do with the fact that you're NEW HERE!?!!?!? .....Look... I'm not gonna pretend that I've had MANY. jobs ...I've had a few but still ...NONE. of them ever celebrated birthdays of people working there ...ESPECIALLY. not people who've worked there for just A FEW WEEKS! (considering this is 5x06 I'm assuming New Girl has JUST. started working there) 10. Ok I'm fairly certain there's laws that prevent adults from being near kids or whatever ....But a law that prevents an adult from being around another adult (aside from the usual restraining orders ofcourse) .....There's no way in hell that this is a real thing ...And besides ....This woman is supposedly BY. LAW. ordered to stay away from any man older than 50 ....HOW. THE. FUCK. are they going to enforce that!? ....And how is SHE. gonna know if a guy is older than 50??? ....This whole case is bullshit and was just another attempt at grasping for straws when it comes to writing a case for the episode 11. John to Ally after she says he looks sad: "Well.. Richard violated my hole" ...You: "It really sucks when your hole has been violated" .......I'm so glad I put my drink down BEFORE. that or it would've been all over my desk and monitors 12. Poor little New Girl... Still expecting presents for her birthday ...Yeaaaaah.. Froots you're right... As you get older you kinda don't expect presents anymore ...My last birthday I only got ONE. thing and to be honest about it and this ISN'T a diss cause I REALLY. TRULY. WHOLE-HEARTEDLY. appreciated it ....To me it was just another day of same shit different day ...The more life goes on... The less excited you get about gifts and even less excited you get about celebrating your birthday ...But... Maybe that's partially my depression talking ...Why would I celebrate the fact I got older? 13. Yeeeeaaah... Pretty awkward to be singing "You were always on my mind" to your ex in FRONT. of your new girlfriend and HER. new boyfriend / your best friend 14. Ehhhhmmm... GHWAT!?!? This whole case was a sham!?!? ...All a ruse so that the guy who apparently was an undercover cop could catch this woman stealing again?!!? .....Pretty fucking sure that's entrapment and it's illegal (well it's a grey area, but it should be) and most likely wouldn't be useable in court to convict her ....Like.. Imagine a cop luring an ex-criminal into a situation where they'd be tempted to break the law again JUST. so they could arrest them again ....There's NO. WAY. that should be legal 15. You: "Holy fuck I just zoned out.. I have no idea what is going on" .....You and me both Froots ...Apparently John is all of a sudden talking to people about riding bikes or something 16. Ok so I went back and tried to piece together what we missed ...John's speech was about how life was passing them by and how everyone was concerned about making money ...John's reason for leaving was to stop and remember the days when people sat around and just existed without having somewhere to be ...I guess sometimes we all need a bit of a break to gather our thoughts ...That's what John said he did while he was gone

Kazz (Charmed4lifekaren)

Finally caught up on your Ally McBeal reactions. I agree that season 5 is hard to get through. I want to give the writers sympathy because they planned all of season five out before RDJ's arrest/firing, and had to re-work, but that excuse wears thin the further into the season we get through. Comment about ep: Damn there is NO REASON for Ally to apologies for turning Glen down... your red flag was everything.... just based on previous eps (and not my knowledge) I'm sure it's going to get good use.

Kevin Bernard

I don't know if anyone told you this or not, but did you know this show is actually a spinoff? Their predecessor is a show called "The Practice" and then they had another spinoff called "Boston Legal"