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A decent filler episode, fun with some campy dialogue and over the top acting, definitely gave me a 60s star trek vibe with this story. In the episode they refer to it as another ancient city but I got the impression it was no where near as big as Atlantis, more like a small out post that was left behind like the one in Antarctica. So could this be a place where Atlantis was before it moved to its current planet or where another ancient city existed but left. A hero named John, A bald guy conspiring to kill a ruler, Jason Momoa barely saying anything then slashing a guys throat. Is it just me or does this sound familiar hmmm ..... when u play the game of gates you win or you die. Cue the music and ancient drones flying about because they cant afford cgi dragons . Also , so Sheppard has travelled to a new galaxy with lots of new aliens and humans , and he has lets say ''befriended'' a few of the local ladies, I'm not judging him, if anything I fully support him but he's in a new galaxy and I just hope he's using protection because he doesn't want to end up with space chlamydia.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. You were wondering how to pronounce David Hewlett's last name ...It's Hue-lit ...Not How-lit ....I'm sure you'll forget and will make the mistake many more times though 2. Yeah I'm sorry... Shocking take maybe ...But seeing Amanda Tapping in underwear in 2x13.. Did absolutely NOTHING. for me ....I find it odd that people (women most the time) are always assuming that guys will just jump at EVERY. opportunity .....Sorry but no ...Not this guy... I guess I DO. have a type.. Which you questioned the other day was off when I said I didn't find Sarah Michelle Gellar attractive either but that's besides the point ...You end this part of the comment reading section by posing the choice between a "logical episode" or "Amanda Tapping in underwear" ....I choose the logical episode.. Thanks 3. John to the guard: "If you think I'm gonna stand here and watch you whip an innocent man.. You're sorely mistaken" ...Me: "Yeah... There will be NO. whipping NOR. nae nae-ing of any kind mah dude" 4. Is it just me?? ...I feel like Sheppard was a bit too eager in hooking up with this princess when she visited his room ...And before you go "Wouldn't you?" ...The answer is no ...I refer back to note 2. ...I'm not that kind of guy 5. You're not wrong ...Considering that the Pegasus galaxy was home to The Ancients for millions of years it's kinda weird that someone like Teyla DOESN'T have the Ancient gene (or wouldn't have had a shot and it ended working on her) ...You'd think the Pegasus galaxy would have a LOT. of descendants from Ancients ...MUCH. more-so than people from the Milky Way galaxy 6. I find it a bit odd that the access to the underground part of the city is coated with bricks ...I guess they built that on TOP. of the old city a long time ago ...If not then it doesn't make sense 7. McKay: "This is amazing.. The layout of this place is almost identical" ...He says while in a room that we've NEVER. seen before on Atlantis 8. Really Sheppard?? You had one last thing to do before you left?? ....You had to go save the princess??? Those boobs really made an impression did they? 9. Nah duh... Ofcourse it was the bald guy who turned out to be the villain ....Anyone who thought it was the aristocratic ginger would be a fool 10. True... The gene therapy doesn't work for everyone so yeah it'd be pretty funny if Baldy McEvilface was boasting about being the new Lord Protector or whatever and sat his ass down on the chair and it didn't light up 11. So not only do we have stocked up on drones... We also replaced some of the lost Jumpers ...If only we had some more ZPM's 12. It IS. kiiiiiinda weird to think that there's other Ancient City ships out there ...But we already knew that Atlantis was essentially a ship that could fly through space ...I feel it wasn't that far fetched that it wasn't the only one of it's kind ....The city we saw in this episode ofcourse is waaaaay too old and run-down to function but I wonder what it's name was ...Did it also have a name that had some sort of historical or legendary significance? ....And are there more cities out there or is Atlantis the only one that remained fully intact? ....Find out next time... On Avatar: The Last Airbender!