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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6h4zm3254g3ew0hyvokto/Chuck-S04E23-Chuck-Versus-The-Last-Details-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=l63k01y539yiqvcbylnh7owqe&dl=0

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Jeremy Burch

Your response to the end of the episode, wasn't far off from what my response was. Normally I would be like, it's Sarah, she's fine, but with the way they described and showed the weapon being used, plus the fact that they always think the show might be ending, my response wasn't far off from yours. This was a good episode, I loved how they managed to do so much in just 1 episode, with Chuck's mom getting caught and rescued, Morgan going undercover, getting the weapon and taking out Vivian's right hand/manipulator, the rehearsal dinner, the video for Chuck and Sarah and a major cliffhanger. Speaking of the video, wow, Jeff actually did good with that video, that was a surprise, I didn't think he was capable, I always thought he was the worst of Jeff and Lester, maybe it's actually Lester whose the worst. Glad you remembered the actress from One Tree Hill, when you said maybe she'll be back in this episode, I was thinking, nope, her character got blown up, definitely won't be back, hopefully she'll be in the recap, nope, wasn't in the recap, but you remembered her anyway. Hope you feel better soon, thanks for the reactions, can't be easy when your still a little bit sick.


Lester is definitely the worst. Jeff is more dumb and not right in the head so he has a much more reasonable reason for being weird (even though i dont agree with it) while lester is smart enough to know what they do is wrong and does it anyway.


You: "I made new thumbnails.. What do you guys think?" *cricket noise* Welp Froots.. On Discord people apparently like them :)