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"Kill them all" was absolutely chilling but also awesome. I love Grace isn't just Harold's weak spot but will bring out the dark/inner Reese with him. I love Fusco makes it clear he thinks Root is absolutely nuts (or Cocoa Puffs) but will go along with her anyway. Grace's grief for Finch is just heartbreaking.


I kind of love how Funch is such a softie, but even the biggest softies have a line. Something I think this show does fairly well is making the group work really well together. We can see a very obvious leadership dynamic with Harold leading John and Sameen and their willingness to follow his wishes even when they strongly disagree. I also feel that the love they have for each other is so apparent. P.S. Where is Bear?? Harold took off to DC at one point and I don't think we've gotten to see Bear in a few episodes.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Leon had Bear during “God mode” so that’s probably where he is now. And you know the machine can always find him a safe dog sitter as a last resort .


Yes, Carrie Preston (as Grace) did a great job in this episode. Here's a couple more totally wholesome clips of Michael and Carrie talking about working together (from Season 2 press work). :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwFKN6CKwvo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvvVB8Ui1BM Anyway, back to The Machine vs that senator. Some episodes ago, Root said that The Machine doesn't talk to Finch in the same way it does to her, and that's how he intended it. I don't believe that at any time when The Machine gave information about premeditated incidents to Northern Lights (relevant numbers) or to Finch's team (irrelevant numbers), it ever gave a a kill or save order (or even recommendation). As Finch designed it, it only pointed the human teams to investigate something and come to their own conclusions. What we saw in real time is how Finch's team debated an especially thorny case and decided on a course of action (to let the guy go). BTW, it was quite nice how the episode set up the suspense, yet gave us the clues as to what the team's decision would be. John at some point said that he trusts Finch more than The Machine, while at the tension climax Finch said that he's not on board with murder. Putting 2 and 2 together, they could only let the guy go. P.S.: Shan, this space is here just for you to recall anything else that you wanted to say that came to you since watching this episode. :-)