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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7fxkdyew56s6awe4v7zcg/The-Walking-Dead-S02E02-Bloodletting-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=l3v8vub5w8ej5yenkybzdvyn2&dl=0 

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Jim Lewis

The Walking Dead theme fast became one of my favorites, up there with Buffy The vampire Slayer and How I Met Your Mother(despite how short it is, was still catchy) two of my fav shows, along with this one. Loving your reactions.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Yeah sure... Let's call the plushie "Hans" which will lead to people thinking you're saying "Hands" which you then believe will lead to comments that will have to be corrected ...I got my work cut out for me 2. On the topic of surviving in a zompocalypse ...IF it were possible for zombies to exist ofcourse (which it's not) ...I think I'd do pretty well dealing with walkers ...I say walkers cause if the zombies start running then I'm FUCKED. (figuratively) .....As for dealing with the other psycho humans ...Cause let's be real.. In this kinda of world only the psychos would be left alive ...I dunno... I'd survive for a while against them but ultimate I'd probably get sniped or something while out looting the FUCK. outta EVERYTHING. I can break into 3. Aaaaand this is where Maggie is introduced along with some of her family ...One of which is Beth ..Maggie's younger sister ..Who's appearance has always reminded me of you in some way ...In fact ...When I first saw you on YouTube almost 5 years ago ...I was like ...Oooh this girl looks kinda like Beth (Not my exact words but you get the idea) 4. I find it kinda odd that Hershell (Maggie's dad) knows EXACTLY. how many bullet fragments are inside Carl ...I feel you'd need an x-ray machine to find out that kind of information... But ok 5. And yeah... Rick giving his blood to Carl was kinda risky ...They didn't even ask him if they had the same blood type ....And quite honestly ....IF I was in this situation... I've got no fucking clue as to what blood type I have and I DOUBT. my dad would have known either ...added during editing... Oh ok apparently Hershell asked Rick about both Carl and Rick's blood type and Rick said they were both the same.. You said they didn't ask but you were talking about how Shane was a complicated character at the moment 6. I meaaaaan... Sure Shane can be a good best friend ....BUT... In my opinion he also slept with Lori ...He basically instantly gave up on saving Rick and told Lori her husband was dead... Dude just pretty much left Rick to die in that hospital bed so he could get with his best friends wife ...I dunno about you... But I can't see past that 7. I don't agree with T-Dawg ...He says him and Dale were asked to stay behind cause they're "the weakest" ....I believe they were asked to stay behind cause they're guarding the cars they need to get out of this place ....And cause Dale is still "fixing" the RV (he said it was already fixed but wanted to buy more time for Sophia) 8. I meeeeeaann... Lori... You don't really have any option here ....SURE. Hershell is a vet ...But it's not like you can call a doctor or an actual surgeon or even drive down to the hospital ....You take what you can get ....Be glad Carl is alive instead of being a bish to the person who is trying to save him 9. See?... Daryl immediately going for a bag of meds to help out T-Dawg as soon as Dale mentioned he was sick ....That right there is an example of why I never saw Daryl as a person who affiliated himself with nazi nutjobs ....Which is why the nazi symbol on his gastank threw me off 10. Aight... I guess the walkers in 2x02 that are chasing Shane and Otis didn't get the memo yet... Y'all are supposed to be walking... Not slow-running ...This is supposedly a sign of the early days of the show before rules were fully established