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I know that typically in shows, we have to see some losses on our side. We have to start from behind in order for the end victory to feel meaningful. However, I feel like our group hasn't had many real victories against Vigilance or Decima lately and that's making me sad. Hopefully, things start turning around for them soon so they can start making little bits of headway! It's definitely interesting to see if the government people will continue to be a factor moving forward now that they've shut down Northern Lights.


Haven't had much energy for leaving comments, but have been really enjoying the second half of this season. Some of the best episodes of the series so far! I don't mind that they continue with the cases of the week episodes. After all, "the numbers never stop coming". Some of the cases can get a little silly though (French mercenaries hanging out in the lobby of the UN? reminds me of that bank robbery no-one noticed in season 2 *lol*). I can't not say something about 3x17 Root Path. I think it was one of the best episodes so far. Basically 10/10 for me. Really well written and a great character development episode for Root. I loved how almost every aspect had multiple layers to it. I think every fan of the show loves the bad-assery of the Root/Machine combo. After getting hints of it in earlier episodes, we really see what Root's life has become like and how much she has become The Machine's "analog interface". (A few episodes after that, you already see that this has become a routine part of the show.) But think about it, what kind of person (or under what circumstances) would dedicate themselves to The Machine that much? Root's line to Finch ("How badly did you have to break it to make it care about people so much?") when talking about The Machine's priorities takes on a double meaning. What we should really be asking is "How badly was Root broken by other people to completely turn over her life to The Machine?" We saw glimpses of that in Bad Code (2x02), but this makes me think that there was more where that came from :-( Then there's the story of the janitor and his reliance on a "higher power" to guide his life. Something he turned to after some "random" events turned his life upside down. From a rational outside perspective, we understand that he is under a self-delusion and we can plainly see that in Root's reaction to his story. To the show's credit, it never says so explicitly, but lets us see the clear parallel between the janitor and what Root is doing with The Machine. Is she right to turn over the control over her life to such a degree? It is a general rule of life that we don't see our own flaws until we see them in others. Do you feel that you are submitting to a higher power in your own life? Just a general rhetorical question. :-) Finally the whole episode makes us think about one of Root's lines early on: "I'm one of the good guys now." In a way, we see how the meaning of that phrase changes for Root. I think she already 100% means it in the sense that she is completely loyal to The Machine, who is on the "good side" (emphasis on "side"). But The Machine does not demand loyalty from anyone and loyalty alone is not enough to be on her side. Instead she wants people to do good/humanistic things (and instead of demanding, she convinces). In the episode, we slowly see how Root understands that to be on the "good" side (emphasis on "good") is a constant struggle to make the decision to do the right thing (and decide what that is) even without guidance from a "higher power". And atonement doesn't come in one step, as is brought to her face by the janitor's back story and her role in it. It is also a continuing struggle. Shan, just wondering, what is your reaction to the small info boxes that we see on the screen from The Machine's perspective? There are often good tidbits of information in them, especially in that episode. I tend to pause and go back to see what's in them, if it seems like something important. Otherwise they skip too fast over the screen for me to read everything.