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I was going to make an insightful comment about the episode but I had to take a lot of enzyme so I could take out the guards. Quick, there's no time, you have to understand that I had to take out the guards, because IHadTotakeOutTheGuardsByTakingEnzyme *faints* . Mckay kills me in this episode


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Should I have deleted the Previous Leon so that you didn't anticipate Ford being in the episode... Probably ....Do I remember this 2-parter?? Absolutely not ...Oh well ..I can't always be perfect 2. Ford just asked Sheppard where he found Ronon .....Eeeeehm bish... It was in the episode where YOU peaced out into a Wraith transporter beam ...Y'know... The same episode where you went hand to hand with Ronon?? ...."Where did you find this guy" ...Psssh.. This little shit is trynna act tough... Like you DON'T know 3. Ford: "Look at me.. LOOK AT ME!" ...Sheppard and Teyla both look at Ford.. Meanwhile Ronon is enjoying his food ...This man doesn't give a SHIT. 4. Ok I see a plothole ...Teyla just told Ford the Wraith can communicate with eachother telepathically and Ford is like "Not between stars.. You taught me that" .....Well then you haven't been paying attention mah dude ...Back in Season 1 The Wraith were on their way to Atlantis and were still SEVERAL. stops away (as in SEVERAL. stars away) and Teyla could communicate with them JUST. FINE. ....You telling me Teyla is stronger than a Wraith??? 5. Bish... Ronon doesn't NEED. your enzyme to be a badass ...He can handle himself all on his own ...But imagine Ronon hopped up on that stuff like Ford ...Ford has gone psycho ....If Ronon went psycho then bodies would be dropping left and right ...And not just Wraith either ....It's better he DOESN'T become like Ford ....Besides.. They made Ford into kind of an unlikable character 6. As I said.. I don't remember this 2-parter ...Soooooo... Imagine my reaction when this mothertrucker just said Ford's plan was to blow up a Hive ship .......GHWAT!?!? You're gonna blow up ONE. Hive ship??? ....Really??? THAT'S. the plan?!?! 7. Wait what?? Ford??? Where's the Jumper you stole?? Y'know... The thing that YOU. can fly AND. has cloaking technology??? ....Ooooh right.. You flew it into a plothole and THAT'S. why you need Sheppard for your dumbass plan ...Aight.. Check 8. Seriously?? We just got a little time progression segment while McKay is fixing the Dart and one of the clips is Ronon getting his ass handed to him by one of Ford's minions ....REALLY???? C'mon... Ford couldn't even beat him and this unknown NPC just floored him WHILE. he's got some of that enzyme in him?? I can only assume Sheppard told Ronon to take it easy on those guys cause that shit was unbelievable otherwise 9. Oh and now with some extra enzyme he's all of a sudden better at beating Ford's minions??? Lame 10. Soooo.. Why would The Wraith Hive ship not shoot at that incoming Dart (the one that Sheppard is flying)?? Don't they find it kinda sus that they just got out of hyperspace near a planet that's got no life on it and a random Dart just shows up out of nowhere?? 11. HA! The Wraith didn't check Ronon very well... Dude's got knives .......You hear that Ford?? KniveSSSS ...As in plural! Ronon's deadpan delivery to Sheppard: "How many do you need?" ...Hilarious 12. Why was McKay just allowed to nope away from the guards and drug himself?? Those guards suck ...Ford should hire some better minions ...added later... ALRIGHT!! SuperMcKay just beat the SHIT. outta those guys! 13. Eeeeeehm... Did McKay have a GDO on him?? Cause I didn't see one and so realistically he should've gone SPLAT! against Atlantis's iris ...added later... Ok never mind.. There was a whole scene in between him dialing the gate and going through ...Kinda weird 14. Why does this Wraith dude always walk around with his mouth open and his teeth showing like that? Are there no flies on the ship?? ....Did mah dude just brush his teeth and wants everyone to see how clean they are?? ......Can the actor not close his mouth with those fake teeth?? ....I've got so many questions ....Actually... No... That's all of them I think 15. HA! Yeah those damn clowns in those Volkswagens ...We fight them off but they keep sending them in ...They're about as bad as the damn Wraith .....Just in case you don't understand the reference.. Volkswagens is a reference to the Volkswagen Beetle a.k.a a car commonly used as a clown car .....And "Send in the clowns" is probably a reference to a Frank Sinatra song title 16. Yeeeeeaaah... This girl is asking a lot of questions about our world and stuff like that ....RED FLAG! 17. What's with the green laser pointers in this Wraith Queen's room?? What practical purpose do they serve?? OOOOOH!!! Are they gonna have some sort of laser show!?? ...Is the Wraith Queen about to challenge Sheppard to a dance-off?!? .....Cause that's the ONLY. thing I can think of that would make the presence of these lasers make any sense 18. Ok I'm nitpicking here buuuutttt... Caldwell just sat down in his chair and in front of him we can see PART. of the bridge windows that allows them to see outside ....The hyperspace tunnel effect isn't lined up with the front of the ship ....Technically this means that the Daedalus would be flying sideways through hyperspace .....Someone fucked up with the effects / the camera shot and it's PISSING ME OFF!! ....Not really.. But enough for me to nitpick 19. I meeeeeeeeaaaannnn... The girl is onto something ....How do you avoid getting culled by The Wraith?? ...You worship them ...That way they'll keep you alive ...It's not the dumbest plan I've heard of in this 2-parter 20. Aaaaand then Sheppard is like "Oh you know who provided me with the Dart?? Look out the window.. It's the other Wraith Queen" ......Are we just forgetting about the fact that Wraith Queens can read people's minds?? One quick peek into Sheppards head and she would've figured out the truth...That wouldn't have worked out well if Ford hadn't shown up and shot her 21. Wow... The Wraith are pretty fucking stupid ...Sheppard just made them fire on eachother and the resulting explosion blew up BOTH. the Hive ships ...I guess "we" just killed 2 more Wraith Queens .....But yeah... That probably means Ford is dead too

infamous hvher

Ford didn't get a black eye from the enzyme. It was from when he fell into the water while fightning the wraith