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Patrick - Excelsior

OMG Shan. Angel would be sooo upset with you! How dare you not recognize Barry Manilow. 😉jk You’re thinking necromania, someone turned on by dead bodies. Whereas nymphomania is just a term for a female suffering from hypersexuality. While there is no definitive cause for this, psychological research has shown there may be a genetic predisposition, a learned response to dealing with stress or trauma, or possibly the result of sexual abuse. Catholic priest are required to take a vow of celibacy. He is a reverend. They can get married and have sex, but only with the woman they are married to. So essentially you are still correct. I don’t agree that the show is pro marriage. In fact, I think it’s the opposite. In the series so far, there has only been two married people at the law firm. They were married to each other, he cheated, they got divorced, then he died. She left the show. The parents of Ally got divorced after both cheated. A vast majority of the cases they get are divorce cases, spouses cheating on each other or killing one another. This show does not depict marriage in a positive light. I support Melanie wanting to not get married, but I also support Cage’s desire to get married. It’s like on Friends when Monica wanted kids one day but Richard didn’t. They have different needs. Either one or the other is going to have to sacrifice what they want, that or separate. Wow, Renee sucks as a friend. She knew Ally thought she was imagining Barry at the bar was a hallucination but she didn’t stop her from trying to hit him.

Brandon Wiesner (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-24 19:27:33 I agree that it's fine if someone doesn't believe in marriage. I thought for sure that they were about to write Melanie's character off the show with that issue but then surprisingly, she says ok John. I don't see it necessarily as her caving though. I think sometimes when you meet someone and everything is so great about them but there's one thing that might drive you apart, maybe you think about making a compromise. John and Melanie fit so well together that her thinking was probably well, I don't believe in marriage because I haven't seen it work before but with John it probably would. Still though, John (aka the writers) were being very judgmental about her beliefs. I think it's one of those things that's held over from old world society. You should get married, have kids, have a long marriage, never get divorced and the whole thing. I doubt the show would be that preachy about marriage if it was produces today. I knew as soon as they walked in the bar towards the end of the episode, I knew it was going to be Barry Manilow playing. Because of course. The idea of a long distance relationship isn't so odd that people would think Ally and Larry broke up. I don't know why the show presented it like that. They are still together. I imagine though it would have been harder then, without smart phones and free messaging apps. Nowadays you can just hop on video call.
2023-09-24 16:14:51 I agree that it's fine if someone doesn't believe in marriage. I thought for sure that they were about to write Melanie's character off the show with that issue but then surprisingly, she says ok John. I don't see it necessarily as her caving though. I think sometimes when you meet someone and everything is so great about them but there's one thing that might drive you apart, maybe you think about making a compromise. John and Melanie fit so well together that her thinking was probably well, I don't believe in marriage because I haven't seen it work before but with John it probably would. Still though, John (aka the writers) were being very judgmental about her beliefs. I think it's one of those things that's held over from old world society. You should get married, have kids, have a long marriage, never get divorced and the whole thing. I doubt the show would be that preachy about marriage if it was produced today. I knew as soon as they walked in the bar towards the end of the episode, it was going to be Barry Manilow playing. Because of course. The idea of a long distance relationship isn't so odd that people would think Ally and Larry broke up. I don't know why the show presented it like that. They are still together. I imagine though it would have been harder then, without smart phones and free messaging apps. Nowadays you can just hop on video call.

I agree that it's fine if someone doesn't believe in marriage. I thought for sure that they were about to write Melanie's character off the show with that issue but then surprisingly, she says ok John. I don't see it necessarily as her caving though. I think sometimes when you meet someone and everything is so great about them but there's one thing that might drive you apart, maybe you think about making a compromise. John and Melanie fit so well together that her thinking was probably well, I don't believe in marriage because I haven't seen it work before but with John it probably would. Still though, John (aka the writers) were being very judgmental about her beliefs. I think it's one of those things that's held over from old world society. You should get married, have kids, have a long marriage, never get divorced and the whole thing. I doubt the show would be that preachy about marriage if it was produced today. I knew as soon as they walked in the bar towards the end of the episode, it was going to be Barry Manilow playing. Because of course. The idea of a long distance relationship isn't so odd that people would think Ally and Larry broke up. I don't know why the show presented it like that. They are still together. I imagine though it would have been harder then, without smart phones and free messaging apps. Nowadays you can just hop on video call.


1. I like your take on saying women probably love their kids more or at the very least they do at first given that they legit carried them around for 9 months ....It makes sense to me that their bond to their kid would be stronger than the bond between the father and the kid ....I do also agree that over time (or even as soon as they're born) that bond can become just as strong ....But yeah.. Initially... The bond between mother and child is probably on a much higher level than that between father and child .....But I do stand by what I noted down though... I can feel just as much love for a pet (in my case a dog) ...Young parents have this thing where they I dunno.. Sometimes try to convert others into also having kids ...Me personally I have ofcourse luckily not had to deal with that shit... But I have witnessed it in the past ...And me as a person that's not all that into the thought of ever having kids.. I'm just sitting there... Convinced a pet will do just fine 2. Same Froots... Barry White... Barry Manilow... I get them confused too.. As punishment we should do a karaoke sometime.. I think that's only fitting the crime ..Or would that create something even worse??? Hell... I don't care ...Let's do some karaoke Froots! 3. Ally... You're having full on hallucinations again... Do everyone a favour ...SEEK. HELP!! 4. Yeah that wasn't a good disguise AT. ALL. ...Could totally tell this was John's girlfriend with a fake wig 5. Yeah where the fuck was the bird noise coming from when John open the secret door behind his toilet stall? (wasn't addressed) .....Also... Why would you share this secret with a woman who has tourettes?? I give it half the episode before she shouts it out for everyone to hear (ok she DID shout but nobody found the hidden room.. I am shooketh) 6. Ok ...John... Dude... You've known her for just a few months... She's great and all ...But... Asking her to marry you?? Seems a bit quick dontcha think?? 7. HA! You: "Maybe I'm wrong.. But isn't a nymphomaniac a person who wants to have sex with dead people?" ...Nah Froots... That's a Necropheliac .....A Nymphomaniac is a person who wants to have sex all the time ...added later... I looked it up... It's a hypersexuality disorder ...So it's not JUST. someone who is addicted to sex ...It can actually be psychological 8. Ok... First of all... How did she get that snowman into her fridge so perfectly?? And second... Where's the other contents of her fridge gone?? Are they just all out in the kitchen now going bad? .....And another question ....If this is NOT. the fridge from her kitchen... How much more proof do we need that Ally is clinically insane?? This woman has a fridge with a snowman in it in her goddamn bedroom! 9. I think John has no right to be THIS upset about Melanie telling him she doesn't want to get married... They've legit known eachother for a couple of months ....John should've waited a lot longer before asking ...Cause if he had done so... He might've ...I dunno... ACTUALLY GOTTEN TO KNOW HER?!??! .....It's so fucking weird to me when people get into serious relationships when they hardly know eachother... Even weirder is when they propose after such a SHORT. amount of time .....Get to know eachother first! Now we have John blowing a fuse over something that he COULD have found out naturally over the course of time and MAYBE. even gotten use to the idea of not getting married 10. And also Richard... Dude... So fucking what if Ling had sex with that guy... This was years before she even met you mah dude! People have relationships... People break up ...People move on and have new relationships ...Guess what?? People had sex in previous relationships! Get the fuck over it! 11. I meeeeeaann... I hate to say it... But I have to agree with Mark ....I'm pretty fucking sure him and Elaine are dating and yet she's visibly got the hots for the new dude .....I'd be pretty fucking annoyed too if my girlfriend was openly trynna flirt with some other guy ...In fact I'd end the relationship right there ...If you love someone.. You don't flirt with other people 12. True... It's probably written in some Minister's handbook that "Thou shalt not lick the bride's left nipple" .....Now the right nipple on the other hand ...It doesn't say anything about that one ....The minister fucked up 13. Yeeeeaaahh... They're definitely trynna shove the whole pro-marriage thing down our throats here ....It's ok NOT. to want to get married ....I don't really see the point in it myself... I don't NEED. a ring on my finger to signify a bond ....I'm willing to be convinced by my significant other to get married though ...If I knew she wanted to get married then I'd be open to it and I'd do my best to make it the BEST. proposal ..Same goes for having kids.. I don't want them ...But if my significant other DID want them then I'd be open to being convinced (but probably would date someone who didn't want them) ...I guess I'm a complicated person ...But yeah ...Let's not do this whole "You HAVE. to get married" thing ...That's so outdated 14. Sorry but the ending song with Ally and Barry Manilow looked rehearsed as fuck and not coincidental at all ....Kinda cringey