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Retro Tom

I loved that SImpsons episode with Mulder & Scully. To this day I think it's one of the funniest episodes the show ever did


My childhood memories come back once again

Aleph Sharp

The x files is kind of a slow build with some great episodes scattered about, in addition to the increase in quality, followed by a Sharp downturn at the end

Mark Chrisco

The day after the X-Files premiered, my local media critic strongly suggested anyone who wanted to watch this, better hurry, as he doubted it would last only a couple weeks before cancellation. He was so wrong. The audience would continue to grow, ultimately becoming one of the iconic series from the '90s. Give it a shot.


Great actors, great characters (once they develop), good writers (mostly). The thing to keep in mind is that this show is like a reverse Scooby-Doo. Not for everyone.


Glad you watched it. It actually Was my favorite show at the time. I watched it in real time. It does get better. It's a monster of the week type of show. There is an overall, very long, drawn out, story that runs throughout though. I actually liked the monster of the week aspect of it though. It's not my favorite show anymore, of course. Mulder was my fav character for a while too. I'm not surprised it didn't hook you from this pilot, but at the time, it was pretty interesting, compared to the other shows on the air back then. There's actually several strong connections between this show and Supernatural.

The Mad Titan

Aleph Sharp was very correct. The show starts out like this but it does get better. The actors start to loosing up and get into there roles, the stories and writing gets better. Once they get more money to put into it they really do a great job. There is an overall story ark covering the whole show, with a lot of monsters of the week. There's just so many episodes that you don't have to know anything and you can just sit down and watch it and it is so good. I really like season 5. The show just gets better and better until they late couple seasons . They care good but just kinda ok compared to the previous seasons. Then the came out with these little seasons like 20 years later and had only around 6 episodes. They were better than the previous seasons 9 and 10 though. I really hope you give it some time and watch a few before you give up on it after just the one episode on the first season. There's so much more. Thank you, I appreciate the time you're putting in to this. Keep up the great work.

Patrick - Excelsior

Local police can arrest an FBI agent breaks the law. That would include trespassing. On the other hand, FBI has jurisdiction over investigations that involve federal crimes. So this situation is tricky, but since they didn't assert jurisdiction (why, I don't know. Maybe they felt they couldn't make a case for the crime being federal.). they had to leave.