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I liked this episode, it was a little slow at the beginning but it really picked up. I like how the monster of the week furthered the plot, it makes it feel like its not pointless and makes more sense to have it.

Andrew Polinski

Yeah Adalind came home way too soon after birth, if it was a natural birth then between 24-48 hours is the normal but C-Section is usually between 4-8 days which happened here. Also for sure she wouldn't be walking around as easily as she was. Can't beat the miracles of TV I guess. US Marshals are federal law enforcement and federal usually trumps local especially with a court order, even for a crime as bad a murder.


Time in this show is based on what the plot needs it to be lol it doesnt really bother me with this show that much but i find it funny

Patrick - Excelsior

You called it Shan, Monster of the week is back. Ah, so the potion only temporarily took away Adalind’s hexenbiest. That explains why so was so willing to do it. A temporary loss would be worth temporarily suppressing Juliette as well. Especially if Juliette then became will to take further doses to keep it away. Of course I don’t know how they would be able to make the potion long term. I guess they could make more from Henrietta body. Oh well, doesn’t matter now. Everyone seems to be very forgiving to Adalind. But then again, Nick kind of has to if he wants Keely to stay. Stealing him from Adalind has not worked out well in past. Monroe and Rosalee are just very forgiving and kind hearted. Yes, you are absolutely correct Shan. After giving birth Mothers typically stay in Hospital 24 to 48 hours if there are no complications, but Adalind had complications requiring a C-Section. This increases the stay time to 2 to 4 days. Hmm, the monster of week left the same marks on wall that were left where FBI lady was killed. Maybe this isn’t entirely monster of week? So Nick is selling the house or at least trying to. Nice that he reassured her he would take her to new home. Adalind doesn’t seem to like being alone. In season 1 she was trying to be with Renard. When he rejected her, she then went with that first Royal prince, after he died it was Wesley, then she became somewhat attached to Misner (the Resistance guy) until he When he turned her over to Nick’s mom. She lived with Nick and Juliette and when that didn’t work out, she went back to Royals and that Wesley replacement psycho. She seems really worried Nick will leave her. I guess that makes sense, everyone else always seems to leave or get rid of her. Yeah, not really monster of week. It seems to tie into a larger story. How large? What is going on in the room with banging and yelling noises that Misner keeps walking out of looking like he was fighting or beating someone? And where is Trubel? And what happened to Godzilla? Why isn’t he clawing up the screen at end of episode anymore? 🤪

Linda McDonough Garcia

If Adalind offered to take suppressant so easily because it’s temporary then she’d be fine with it coming back but in her talk with Rosalie she doesn’t want it back & is worried that it’s only temporary. And I don’t think that they’re too easily forgiving Adalind but more that they’re willing to give her another chance & can see that she’s trying to change & be a better person. Everyone has the capability to change & that our futures aren’t written by our pasts.