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Alex is too pure for this world. The way he treats Isabelle is just beautiful. We need more people like Alex.


This is my least favorite episode of this introduction of Tess saga but it's the necessary setting of the table of it so it's fine really. As recently as a year and a half or so ago, I saw a Hollywood prop store still had 1 of the cocoon pods listed on their website for I think like $2000. The listing did not say whose pod it was if that mattered (the friends I told said they definitely wouldn't want it if it were Tess's pod). If you had the money to blow, imagine that as a conversation piece on display at your crib.

Jeremy Burch

It's interesting that they just assumed Tess was Nasedo, the whole time I was thinking, but why are you acting like it's a fact that she's Nasedo?...You don't know that for sure, seriously, it's kind of getting irritating that you keep saying she's Nasedo with such certainty, it's making it incredibly obvious that's she's probably not and that you all assume a lot of things, like that River Dog was Michael's dad, that all adults can't be trusted and that Isabel is pregnant with Michael's baby!!! Pregnant with Michael's baby, like that's a big assumption too, maybe look into it first, especially with your track record. Also, a lot of this episode was kind of odd and a little off putting, especially Michael and Isabel, this show told us they were basically siblings most of this season, now they're kissing in their dreams, weird, it's just weird. But I am glad that we got some answers about Tess and learned that she is apparently one of them.


1. Odd place to have a meeting to talk about Tess... Max and them are standing inside what appears to be a carousel ...I don't know about Murica ....But carousels are only a theme park / carnival thing here ...I'm here half expecting there to be some kids off camera just sitting around waiting for these teenagers to quit being drama queens and get off their ride and perhaps the owner is calling the cops while Max and them just completely ignore him and they keep talking about Tess 2. I mean yeah... Kinda weird for Tess to admit to Isabel that she's got "strong feelings" for Max... Mah gurl JUST moved into town ...She doesn't know him at all ...Those "feelings" are lust NOT. love 3. Also yeah... Tess was getting so close to Isabel while telling her about her strong feelings for Max that I too expected this episode to turn into something we'd only be allowed to upload to Pornhub or something ....Jeebus Tess... Personal space 4. You about Max and Liz: "Why are they not kissing anymore? What the hell?" ...Froots... They've been sucking face so much in the past few episodes ...I think they've met their quota ...I'm actually kinda relieved they've dialed down the kissing ...It was too much 5. Why do I remember Liz and Kyle being more friendlier towards eachother in an earlier episode ....Am I just seeing shit? ...Why the sudden hostility again? I mean sure Liz has no business telling him who he can or can not see ....But I feel he's being extra hostile towards Liz while she's telling him about Tess 6. IIIIII'm sorry.... GHWHO the FUCK.... Goes on a date to a fucking library!?! What the hell!?! 7. Ok I don't remember a damn thing about an alien baby... I guess I've only seen the first season (Assuming it also takes aliens 9 months to give birth and so it'd take place during Season 2 or something)