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I really liked this episode, theres lots of new lore being added and it was just so cute seeing them all be together. Although it did seem like something was pulling them together like a magnet.


1. One of the people in the Crashdown uniforms was probably my friend Ness. Yes Brendan was absolutely lovely the times I've been in his direct presence be it Zoom, hanging with him and Majandra in Roswell during the actual Crash Festival in 2021, or on set. Did you attend his Q&A as well? The picture didn't fall during the recording though. 2. RE: last episode Michael in the rain. Yes them changing that song is probably the most criminal edit. When I did my "fixing", 1 of the 1st people who got it was now one of my closest friends Melissa who had just started a Roswell rewatch podcast with her friend who had never seen the show. A day or 2 later she emailed me that scene is her favorite scene in the entire show, and she hadn't seen it properly since her VHS tapes (so I reckon at least 12 years) so she was bawling when watching it. Her boyfriend walked in and she had to explain why she was crying. Bonus - she uses red sneakers as her Instagram. I've asked her before if anyone knows why she uses that as her Instagram and she said no. 3. Tony putting the lyrics into opening credits like karaoke was hilarious. 4. Maria picking up off the floor a strawberry, eating it and handing it to Max - definitely not sanitary. The health inspector will want a word with her. 5. I only noticed during my "fixing" that there's a funny sticker on the refrigerator when Liz gets more strawberries that says "I love aliens, they taste like chicken". You will see this sticker in other random episodes in the kitchen area like by their lockers. 6. Mrs. Evans, yes Max and Liz were in the eraser room just to clean erasers. And Max only goes to the Crashdown for the food. 7. The teacher has far more important things to do than babysit Max and Liz in detention, who he put there. Him leaving them alone, perfectly normal. 8. I always giggle when in the desert, Liz says "what's that" and Max says "it's just a coyote". Focus Liz, you've got a job to do. Besides, that coyote is busy chasing a road runner. He has no interest in eating a random human and alien teenager.


I'm not sure you noticed or realized... but the man that found Liz and Max asleep in the desert was Nasato. At least he looked exactly liked the guy that Nasato turned into last time we saw him change in the truck!

Jeremy Burch

So many strawberries were lost to the floor in this episode. This really was the make out episode, everyone just making out, at least the making out gave us some information, new objects, some connecting between characters and a new kind of faking it, alien vision faking it, as well as some very agitated parents.

Topher (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-14 21:31:05 I too thought it was "breathe". Love the laughing.
2023-07-14 18:06:18 I too thought it was "breathe". Love the laughing.

I too thought it was "breathe". Love the laughing.


1. YEAH! Michael DID sleep on Max's floor a couple episodes ago and it was implied that this wasn't the first time .....Either the mum claiming to have never met Michael was a plothole or further proof that Max and Isabel's foster parents are THE MOST oblivious people on the damn planet 2. In elementary school after gym we all had to shower ....I think it might've been mandatory I dunno ...Thinking back at it it DOES sound kinda fucked up ...In high school there were showers but NOBODY used them ...We instead were just a bunch of smelly teens after gym class 3. I'm pretty sure if you're "just friends" you don't end up dry humping in the back of your work place guys! .....Cleeeeearly Max and Liz have some unresolved issues 4. BREAK IT DOWN FROOTS! ....I figured I'd add some karaoke to the episode to help you out ..Yes ..I DID look up the lyrics (several sites) and they ARE correct ...But I'm right there with you.... For the longest time I also thought the lyrics were "I can not breathe" ....But turns out we were both wrong ....Dido needs to learn how to enunciate while singing cause it's definitely not our fault 5. Nah... I very much doubt Maria and Michael saw anything ...You got duped Froots! Maria got jelly that Liz saw something when Max kissed her so Maria decided to make some shit up and Michael just went along with it ...added later... Yup ...Obvious ...And don't tell me I knew cause I've seen the show ....Apparently I haven't .....We're getting into unknown territory here I think 6. Yeeeeaahh... Either something was going on or this was a weird story development where Max and Liz's attraction to eachother was all of a sudden dialed up to an 11 out of 10