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Retro Tom

Hope you're doing better Shan! This was always an average episode to me with a few good moments so when i saw this one was up I was think it would just be a filler reaction. Then I se your thumbnail & I said "ok, looks like she had a pretty good time with it instead" To answer your question yes I have done VR. I have an Oculus Quest 2 but sadly I haven't gotten to use it much do to limited space in my apartment. I've done Vader Immortal episodes 1 & 2 (I still need to do 3) & the 1st time a character got in my face despite not looking real I still instantly took a step back out of reaction For the game footage. At the time there was an SG-1 game in development called Stargate SG-1: The Resistance (sadly the 1st of a few Stargate games that neve made it through development). The game was to be for the PS2/Original XBOX & The producers decided to have the game devs use that engine to render the cut scenes. Partly this episode was meant to be a preview of what the game was going to look like, had it been released & technically the footage the devs made for this episode I guess is the only part of the game that every got officially released


I really liked this episode. I thought it was alot of fun. I enjoy these type of episodes where they are stuck in a game or something. This isnt a normal VR game and its certainly not like the VR sets we have nowadays. This was made when this type of gaming was still somewhat new. I still really enjoyed it though even if it didnt have some of the jokes you were wanting.


I had an original HTC Vive, which I pre-ordered. I got annoyed by the light boxes that need to be in the room though and I also didn't have loads of space at the time, so I sold it after 6 months or so. I got more for it than I paid though, because they were fully out of stock at the time. I now have an Oculus Quest 2 which doesn't have as good tracking, but it also doesn't need anything in the room which is more than worth it for me.


Oh that sucks. A Stargate game would be really really good. They need to make a Triple A openworld Stargate SG1 game one day. The possibilities are endless. Maybe even have the original writers come back to write all the dialog. Make it feel like an episode we get to play through and explore ourselves.

Patrick - Excelsior

I’m glad you are feeling a little better. I'm not a fan of this episode. It’s not horrible, just doesn't interest me greatly. It’s a very filler, filler episode. Nothing here advanced any storyline. Not even any character development. I imagine since an alien race made this VR chair with tech far more advanced than our own, I wouldn't imagine it has the same bugs as one bought on Steam. There's no headset because it doesn't need one. It patches into the brain and shortcuts into all the sensory input. Sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. No headset can do all that. I don’t have a VR headset; I’ve thought about getting one but not sure if I would use it enough to justify cost.


Why are you judging the state of alternate world advanced tech by current era Earth VR tech? Even 10 years from now the NPCs AI is going to be radically advanced than our current baby steps. Something that can tap into the brain must be radically advanced.


I liked this episode. Its good as a filler but I remember this episode being more fun but that's maybe because I first seen it as a kid and thought this is what video games would look like in future. I do like that they made Siler the final boss because as the stunt coordinator he must have put in some major work this episode.


I dont think it being a "filler filler episode" is bad. Sometimes the best episodes are just completely filler. Like the groundhog day episode.


A shame we never got a real Stargate game, pretty much everything got cancelled before release


The only real stargate game was a MUSH game that had some absurd rules.


The fact that the chair eventually stopped adding more twists in the end shows us that Teal'c does indeed believe that one day the Goa'uld will be defeated which is a beautiful contrast from his first experience with the chair back at the start of season 2 where, at least according to the chair, Teal'c deep down apparently did not believe the Goa'uld could ever truly be defeated.


The Goa'uld are like cockroaches, they just wont go away and always come back. The show even makes fun of itself multiple times about it too and i love a show that makes fun of themselves.


FOR Shannan: 1. You did a salute when reading a note containing the words "major trouble" ..HA! So we're doing this now? 2. See that's where we differ Froots ...I DON'T skip episodes on a re-watch ....Yup ....I even watch Hathor and Icon .....I meaaaaannn... I probably find myself pre-occupied by other things WHILE I watch it ...But I DON'T skip any episodes ...And deeeeefinitely not ENTIRE seasons 3. Yeah imagine the coincidence ...I HONESTLY didn't remember the Kull Warriors being in this episode when we were talking about them in voice the other day ...This was kinda weird but funny though 4. Yeah our real world VR looks kinda janky ....I would definitely love to have a chair like that and have VR look like real life .....Buuuuuuuutttttt.. If I had the option to choose I'd choose a holodeck over any other type of VR solution ANY day of the week ...You just CAN'T beat a holodeck experience ..It's just NOT. possible 5. Bill "There's a 2 second delay between the processor and your perceived experience..." .....Did mah dude just say there's lag??? 2 second lag!?! Oh yeah ...Can confirm.. THIS. is VR alright! .....And 2 seconds ....I suddenly feel like I'm not allowed to complain about lag in our VR gameplay anymore 6. Correct Froots ...This chair is technology from that episode back in the early seasons of SG-1 ...The episode with the badly VFX'd door 7. Aside from the fact they probably tried a more serious approach with this episode ...Even though it would have been hilarious to see some stuff happen in this game that happens to us in games all the time ....I feel like perhaps when using advanced tech like this they proooooobably worked out all the bugs and so we WOULDN'T be seeing A.I. walk into walls and stuff ....But I do agree ...It would have been funny (The edit showing how things should have been done is coming out in roughly 21 weeks) 8. You recognised one of the actors who was playing a doctor ...He's not been any major character but I DID recognise him too ....He's one of them actors who seems to be in a lot of Vancouver based shows ...He had minor 1 to 2 episode roles in Smallville, Once Upon A Time, Supernatural and a lot of other stuff but those are the shows I saw on his list that I'm sure you've seen and you're right... He HAS been on SG-1 before in a Season 3 episode called Learning Curve ...He played the father or caretaker or whatever of a young kid played by Smallville's Stargirl ....The episode where the kids got dumber after some procedure to extract nanites or something 9. You say it doesn't make sense that he's spawning earlier on in the game as the episode progresses ...You are however forgetting about the fact that we've heard them say the game learns as Teal'c plays ....So the game adapts and the spawn point changes ...Keep in mind that the first playthrough Teal'c didn't have a rainbow gun either ...That's also new 10. Teal'c is in trouble ...They're saying that whoever goes in to help MIGHT get stuck in there too and O'neill, Daniel and Carter are all just like "I'll do it" ....THAT. is how friends SHOULD act 11. 2 player mode!!! Side note.. We should do more VR ....Other side note ...I would MOST DECIDEDLY shoot you one more time to "confirm" (for funsies) ....Hell.. Don't even try Froots ...YOU would do the same thing! SEVERAL TIMES! 12. Funny enough ....The graphics used in this episode kinda look better than what we've had in VRChat ....You know daaaaaamn well the avatars in this episode look better than the flat faced ones you can get in VRChat 13. You make a good point ...The game has adapted to a lot of things but for some reason the Kull Warriors never adapted to the rainbow guns ....The game COULD have deleted the rainbow guns from the level ..Have it be sabotaged or something so it can no longer be used