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3 comments and got Shannin to smile twice, laugh well once and tell us a story. A day's work well done. To think I used to let having nothing to say stop me because you read the comments out loud. And yes, I spelled your name even wronger to see if I could get a rant before you got this far. :)


*grabs popcorn as Shannan tears Topher a new one* And I don't even like popcorn


I need a new one, the old one's all worn out...


The Wraith exploding was a literal bomb on his chest, so they simply took it away from the one they captured while he was unconscious, now that they know what it looks like.


What exactly were you expecting from the intro? It seems normal to me. I just dont understand what you mean. It looks like any normal intro for a show. I enjoyed this episode. I really like Mckay here much more than when he was on sg1. I remember when he said he was attracted to Carter bc shes a dumb blonde but he feels like a much better character here. He might become my favorite character from this new show. I also really like Teyla. I like how they imprisoned one. Lets see what they do with him.

Zach Hershman

Tony, I know you are usually way ahead on editing these for YT. Any chance you could upload them here? I'm so far behind (life got crazy) and don't have the time to watch all the full episodes. I'd like to catch back up to where Shan is. Of course, this is only if she says it's okay.


I am up to date with her, however we don't post the edits here on Patreon that is solely a YouTube thing. I'm afraid you're going to have to wait a bit while we try to fight the claims put on the edits. Sorry.


Even though it wasn't explicitly stated in the episode, I guess this episode also explains why the wraith just randomly decided to attack Teyla's world in the pilot episode just as soon as we showed up. Teyla's locket was designed by the Wraith to track the Ancients. When John touched the locket, it activated due to his Ancient gene. In fact, the Wraith literally came in the next scene after he touched it. They were probably coming to look for the "Ancient" who activated it. This also makes sense when you consider how rare it is for these wraith cullings. Teyla said it takes like decades before they return because they want the humans to grow in numbers. No way it was a coincidence.


Notes FOR Shannan: 1. Sadly however ....I very much doubt your eye colour in the recording doesn't do your eyes justice ....All the stories I've heard ...I'm SURE. they look much more vibrant than they do on camera ...You've shown me some pictures in the past and I can say that IN pictures they definitely look better ....I suppose it's the settings of the camera / obs that kind of dull their look .....Not that I'm nitpicking about your settings though ...I'd never do that 2. There are still some videostores over here ...Small shops that sell movies on DVD and Blu-ray ...But I think these days people either buy their stuff online.. OR.. If they're interested in owning an actual copy.. They go to the city and visit the larger brand stores which have a section devoted to selling that kind of stuff inside their massively large store ...That's how I got my movies at some point until I decided enough was enough and I could just get shit for free 3. Yeah the Season 1 intro you could probably make too... Whether or not your Vegas would crash in the process is a different matter ....I am however convinced (since as you know.. but haven't seen ofcourse) ..that the future intros do change ...You would NOT. be able to make the future intros given there's added effects to it that I doubt you could recreate ....Me on the other hand ....Well ...Wouldn't be the first time I made a custom intro (brushes shoulder) 4. Don't try to race through reading Froots ....The reason you got confused about that note ...Was cause it said "Puddle" ..NOT.. "Puddle Jumper" ....The note explained that they're using projection screens on the gate to simulate the open gate a.k.a the "puddle" .....Hence why we were able to see McKay's shadow on the ...read closely... Puddle ...Also... You wanted proof ..I sent you proof 5. You about my note on Lt. Fords lost jacket: "F's in the chat for his jacket" ...F... Pours a drink ...We'll miss you homie 6. Daaaaaaamn... The Wraith got a headshot on McKay through the gate and he couldn't even tell his lifesucking buddies about it cause he wouldn't have even seen that shit ....But McKay... Buddy ...IN YO FACE MAH DUDE! 7. You: "Did you know... I had a foot..." GHWAT?!?! "....That was numb.. For like 2 months ..Or maybe it was 2 weeks ..I might be exaggerating" ....It was 2 hours probably ...But just kidding ...I did hear about this at some point ...It was funny then and it's still funny now Froots 8. Yes... Dude... Let's just suspend gate travel indefinitely ....WHO THE HELL'S THIS GUY?!!? What a fucking STUPID. ASS. suggestion! ...Let's wait until The Wraith inevitably show up and just throw ourselves at them cause we don't have the power to defend the city .......Fucking dumb ass ....Beeteedubs Froots.. You said you've never seen this guy before and you pointed him out as your main suspect ...You HAVE seen him before ...But.. Much like other side characters you probably just didn't notice him ...Sergeant Bates was one of the people captured by The Wraith in the pilot (And this is the guy they appointed in charge of security on Atlantis.. Go figure) 9. The fact that you and others agreed with you that David Nykl (Zelenka / Anatoly) looked so unrecognisable baffles me.. And yes it IS him ...Dude has a very distinct accent / voice and it's not really like he looks so much different with/without a beard ....I instantly recognised him when I saw him on Arrow and this is me we're talking about ...The guy who often DOESN'T notice that shit 10. The reason that this (1x05) is listed as episode 4 on IMDB is cause.. You're right.. Rising Part 1 and 2 is seen as one episode according to IMDB ...They're wrong though as is most often the case with IMDB .....Don't worry about IMDB's bullshittery ....I got you a Watch Order that IS correct 11. Your question as to where they got the turkey sandwiches from ....I imagine that while coming in from Earth the Atlantis Expedition probably brought along a FUCKTON of food ...They've been there for several weeks and I guess they still have a somewhat sizable yet limited supply before they'd need to switch to food found in Pegasus 12. You said you didn't see it... Understandable ...From the quick VFX shot it was kind of difficult to distinguish ...But you COULD see land if you pause the video when Lt. Ford mentions seeing land from the Jumper 13. Side note... I've already noticed 5 different occasions where they used shots from this episode in the intro and I'm sure there's at least 2 more in this episode ....I feel like SG-1 never used this many shots from the same episode in their intros ....I dunno ...Just an observation 14. Why are they being so dumb about this whole opening up the gate might lead to The Wraith coming through to Atlantis situation?? ....It's kind of the same problem I have with the iris at the SGC (if it weren't working) or if there's an unscheduled activation while off-world ....Stand RIGHT NEXT to the gate instead of hanging out in front of it ...Or better yet BEHIND the gate ..Use the ring as a cover ....Enemy might come in and you could pick them off one by one while they won't even have time to figure out where the shots are coming from 15. I'm just gonna assume that if the necklace doesn't get touched by a person with the Ancient gene over an extended period of time it will disable itself... Cause otherwise why would Sheppard touching it have "activated" it? ....I suppose it's a way to conserve whatever kind of battery that powers the necklace's tracking beacon 16. Since you asked... Before Sheppard's team took The Wraith prisoner the dude was seen trying to blow himself up by using a wrist device ....Sheppard managed to stop him by using the Wraith Stun Rifle to move his hand away from said device ....When we then saw the guy in the prison cell he was no longer wearing any wrist accessoires ....Hence why he couldn't blow himself up any more .....It'd also be pretty fucking stupid to allow him to continue wearing it ofcourse