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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3n5zc9eyszitb5f/Titans%20S04E06%20-%20Brother%20Blood%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

Finally, we got to see Beast Boy's gorilla form! Yeah, the wait for the second half of the season was a bit long but not as long as the wait for Doom Patrol 4b is, because they haven't aired it since Titans ended a month ago and no word on when it comes back. I'm hoping it will be soon though.


If it's not out yet, wait a little more.


1. Sooooo... Conner lost his marbles and now thinks he's more Lex than Supes ....And sure ...Why not go for the complete look ...I knew the bald head was coming cause I skip through the episodes before uploading them ....Was still wondering WHY he was all of a sudden bald ...I guess now we know 2. Conner: "He who doesn't learn from his mistakes is a fucking moron" ....Ehm... That not's the correct saying but I like it more than the original one 3. I GET that they were going for Gar kinda having a deja-vu moment here ...But the way the actor pronounced "Looks like you're not all the way back yet are you?" the second time didn't sound exactly the same as the first ......For me ...Someone with a case of OCD ...That just sounded off ...They could've done a better job with the sound there 4. I'm thinking Conner's recent change is probably all psychological ...After going to Metropolis to see his "fathers" ....Turns out Supes left Earth (Conner feels abandoned?) and Lex died (Conner feels grief and has trouble expressing it?) and then he fucked up with protecting Klaus ....All of this has led to him turning from Superboy into Superdouchenozzle ....HOPEFULLY he'll turn back soon ...But with only 6 episodes it DOES seem to kinda come out of nowhere 5. I feel like shining some lights on the moon to make it "not a blood moon" wouldn't really do shit to something that's supposedly meant to be magic or prophesized or whatever ...I'd be VERY surprised if Conner's plan actually has ANY effect 6. Oh ok so Raven's power ARE really gone? ...I kinda figured the white hair was due to an upgrade and that maybe she just hadn't figured out how to use her powers yet in this new "form" ....That's kinda lame to have her be powerless 7. Ok lemme try to explain this cause you're confused ...Klaus was shown to have had moments where he's had something good going and then something or someone comes along and it gets taken from him ....Remember earlier in the episode for example Klaus as a young kid got adopted ..Got his own room ...Got a gameboy ....That little shit was happy ....And then his foster mum brought in another kid and he had to give up his room and give his gameboy to the other kid .....And it seems he's basically been dealing with these types of situations all his life ....Now ....Cue to him sitting at the dinner table with his girlfriend ...His girlfriend is being supportive of him having created a game and just being an all-round good girlfriend I suppose ....But.. Given that Klaus believes when his life gets good it inevitably turn bad (cause that's apparently all he's ever known) ...He decides to end the relationship before it goes bad ...That's what happened here ...He dumped his girlfriend cause of those past experiences and his belief and fear that it means he doesn't deserve good things ...Or well... That's my take on it at least 8. Yip... Conner apparently didn't get the Luthor intelligence boost ....Dude went into the bad guys HQ ....The bad guys ...Who are frikkin wizards and shit! ....The FUCK. was he thinking!?!? 9. Really?? So we're giving Raven her powers back and then we're killing Jinx?? Here's an idea... You're gonna love this Froots ....And just FYI... I JUST came up with it JUST NOW ...Ready? ...Man ...Strap yourself in cause this is gonna BLOW... YOUR.. FUCKING.. MIND ...It's gonna knock your socks off... IF you're wearing socks ...And in case you're not wearing any ...Go put some on before you read the idea part cause holy hell this is gonna fucking rock the boat ....But not an actual boat ofcourse cause it wouldn't fit in your office... But that's besides the point I'm getting off track here ....Ok ....Peep this ....pauses.... How's about we DON'T do that and maybe tell people we did?? ....I know right!? ...I'll give you a moment to process the idea and recover and then we'll go again 10. Yeah this is fucking stupid ....They gave Jinx a costume for like ...What? ....10 seconds??? Only to kill her off?!!? Nah bish ....I'mma leave a VERY negative review on Steam for this cause this sucks ALL kindsa ass 11. Ehmmm.... Gar just teleported out of there I think ....But the rest of the Titans disappeared a different way ...The fuck is going on?