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Brandon Wiesner

I didn't know what to expect with this show. I never heard of Naomi and I didn't know it was supposed to be part of the Arrowverse. When you put it on the schedule, I was like what, who? LOL So far, it seems like they are going the route that Wolf Pack did, taking a long time to reveal what's going on in the town, what happened on March 14, the aliens, Superman and with Naomi. I feel like the show is just ok. Not really good but not terrible either. It's just pretty typical I guess. Very paint by numbers and not offering anything new. I guess since it's only 2 episodes so far, we will see how it goes on if it gets better.


I agree with the observation that there's too many characters... And I think Naomi has too many friends ..It's kind of unrealistic to me to have that many friends ...Or at least that's what I think on a personal level.. I've got 2 friends ..That's it ...2... Anyone else is basically expendable to me depending on who they are in relation to me and/or those 2 friends ...The thought of having more friends is ...Weird And also you're right.. It seems EVERYONE is into Naomi for some reason ...She's TOO popular ...I don't think a kid who runs a website dedicated to some superhero (let's be real here.. he's not confirmed to be real.. he's just "some" superhero) would be THAT popular in school ...They'd more likely be an outcast instead of being a popular kid The scene in 1x02 with her and her friends at the mill ..I kept thinking ...There's too many people there... Which you then said you thought too ...And they were ALL on her side when shit got real ...No way that would happen ..Another thing we agreed on Also the fact that Naomi straight up just told her friend that the angel wings dude was an alien ....She did a "Liz" (As in telling Maria about Max and them) ...That was NOT her secret to tell I disagree with your judgement on the actor playing the dude with the angel wings however ...You say his acting is off ...I dunno ...I feel like perhaps he's acting that way cause he's an alien ...Like perhaps he's SUPPOSED to come off like that? ...I've seen acting like that before from "aliens" on several sci-fi shows ...Sometimes it's part of the character and it doesn't necessarily mean the actor is bad ...I'll allow it due to having seen it before ------- OVERALL VIBE OF THE SHOW THUS FAR ------- From what I can conclude from the first 2 episodes.. Given the way these characters have been referencing Superman ...Some kid saying he wasn't real even though Superman would be a WELL KNOWN person all across the world.. Others just claiming he's a comic book character ..The Military dude being shocked his boss says aliens are real Any person who DOESN'T have a low I.Q. can safely conclude using the evidence given thus far that Naomi ISN'T part of the Arrowverse And so I suppose that IF we get to see him show up.. (not in blurry captured camera footage) He'll be a version from an alternate Earth In fact I'd almost say this show is DCverse NOT Arrowverse ...Much like Titans perhaps ...Although it is created by some people connected TO the Arrowverse But I suppose Supergirl at one time started off as an alternate Earth show and Stargirl was separate from the main Arrowverse as well.. It's only connection was Crisis ...Even Black Lightning wasn't connected for most of it's run Time will tell what this show ends up doing ...I haven't seen any other episode yet.. So I can't say it will do anything at all and of course wouldn't be able to either even if I knew cause of spoilers But I guess we'll find out together Froots


Honestly I do agree with you like their too many characters to juggle and her having so many seems kinda unrealistic someone who runs a website on something that might not be real would be a outcast and a few friends And does one of them keep calling her babe it's annoying actually like stop calling her that Everyone seems to have a crush on her like really is she the only choice in town I don't get it This show is so boring if two episodes can't suck me in what's the point I'm still going watch it since I been a fan of the arrowverse since the beginning so many it's will get better probably with no expedition because I hate that