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Jordan St. James

Plot twist: Chuck is just another Earth in the Multiverse where Mister Mxyptlk decided to screw around with Superman and his friends by making them think they're in a spy show. Superman is a dick. Shazam is hooking up with Batwoman AND Lana Lang. And Hal Jordan just has to stand around annoyed at everyone and always wanting to shoot someone.

Jordan St. James

This is the second time now that Lana has gone to Paris. Except instead of meeting Dean Winchester, she met Shazam.


From what i can gather from the many different fandom sites and pages, the majority seems to like the buy more stuff so thats one reason they keep doing it. That and the advertising they do that lets the show keep getting renewed and i personally would take buy more storylines over the show getting canceled. I loved seeing chuck go on his own mission. I love where the story is going!!


When Hannah asks Chuck "what do we think of mister muscles over there?" and she answers "I'm thinking professional wrestler" ... that's actually an inside joke because the actor is "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who began his career as a professional wrestler, and he was quite good and popular at it. You kind of smiled when she said that so maybe you knew that already!

Jeremy Burch

The Lana reaction was great, even better than the Ray reaction. I know in the real world, Lester and Jeff would definitely be fired and they should be fired, Lester in particular was annoying in this episode, but like I said before this is a sitcom world and people who should be fired don't get fired for the most part.

david borokovsky

First, I apologies in advance if this sound harsh. The buymore is a a part of the Chuck series formula. If it annoys you this much there are plenty of other TV shows you can switch to. It ok not to like it, I'm just not sure why spend time on thing that annoy/frustrate you.


yeah, its ok to not like it but you dont need to complain about it every episode or everytime it comes on. We know you dont like it but it doesnt go away, its a big part of the show. I also dont mean to sound harsh, im just speaking my thoughts and i hope you wont be mad at me shan. i really do love your reactions its just come to the point that i dread watching this show with you because i feel like youre being too harsh.


Hi guys. Just wanted to give my 2 cents from the perspective of someone who doesn't watch the show but notices these comments each week. Now I can totally empathize with the feeling of a reactor not having the reaction you expected. 100 percent. I think everyone can. However, you have to understand everyone has a different sense of humor. No matter what logic you try to apply, or whatever explanation you try to give, this simply cannot be changed. Because it is not about logic, it is about personal taste. It would be like trying to explain, with logic, why someone's favourite colour should be blue and not pink. That wouldn't make any sense. It won't change with whatever argument you come up with. Shan's sense of humor simply does not align with the buy more stuff's humor and that is OKAY. So the attention needs to go back to the individual watching Shan's reactions. Ask yourself if you can still enjoy her reactions given that she does not enjoy the buy more stuff. If the answer is no, unfortunately, you might need to consider not watching her reactions of Chuck anymore. Perhaps consider skipping her reaction to the buy more stuff if it's not relevant to the main plot of the episode?


Okay. Firstly, I hate being told to stop watching a show... I am watching it because 1. It won the poll and 2. I am enjoying it for the most part. Secondly, the only time I am actually complaining about the buy more specifically, is when you guys are commenting about it in the comment reading portion of the video. I am simply reading your comments about telling me I should be liking it and replying with the fact that I don't and probably never will. Other than that, the only complaining I do during Chuck reactions are when people do stupid shit like for example, Lester pranking Morgan for scare firing him the episode prior when he should be grateful instead. This is not just a complaint, it's a reaction I am having. I am getting sick and tired of having to constantly defend my opinion on the subject, it's actually making me not want to read the comments for Chuck anymore. I'm still going to but, it's very demoralizing being told over and over how I should change my opinion on something that I simply don't like. I like Chuck, I like Sarah, I like Casey, Awesome, Ellie and even Morgan sometimes. I Like the spy aspect to the show and I understand that Chuck needs a cover, the buy more provides that. BUT, and this is going to be the last thing I say on the subject because any further defending will make my brain melt, I have worked in retail before. I worked very hard and watched people that didn't work very hard get away with a lot of stuff while I got in trouble a lot with my boss due to them not liking me very much. Seeing this show use the Buy more in such a way is very triggering for me and with the characters not growing at all from any of the experiences they've had is also very triggering. Now please, lets move on from this topic. I want to read comments about how great Lana and Ray are please and thank you.


Ok so here's the thing. You guys are here for a reaction. A reaction doesn't have to match what you or anyone else thinks about a show/movie or whatever. A reaction consists solely of the opinions/feelings of the person you are watching. Telling someone to go watch something else or be more open minded whether or not you intend for it to sound harsh. It still ends up sounding harsh. Everyone has the right to have an opinion and share their opinion. To dumb it down into a short sentence, you're basically telling her to either shut up or watch something else. Those kinds of comments aren't appreciated.


Lana and ray are good characters. I hope you further enjoy them in the show. Im done talking about the buy more from now on unless its important to the main story.


Why is it thay everytime lana goes to paris she ends up with a new boyfriend 🤔

david borokovsky

"Seeing this show use the Buy more in such a way is very triggering for me". Precisely, and it not going to change. I'm not to telling you to see something else, I'm telling you to watch what you enjoy watching. Anyway subject dropped


"I'm not to telling you to see something else, I'm telling you to watch what you enjoy watching" That is literally the same thing just worded differently. But you're right, this subject should now be dropped. She'll continue to watch (see) what she wants to watch and give her opinions on them. Good day sir.

Patrick - Excelsior

For an international flight, the first class there is subpar. I loved your grin when Lana said the Mr Muscles guy looked like a Professional Wrestler. I'm sure that meant you recognized him.

Fredrik IB

Great reaction and looking forward to more :)

David Brown

I can't remember. Is Shan aware that Sarah's actress voiced Kate Kane/Batwoman in an animated movie?


Theirs things i contantly hated in buffy, still loved the show, theirs things i constantly hated in smallville, still loved the show, theirs things i constantly hated in the arrowverse still loved and watched all the shows, david unlike shan i didnt mind the buy more stuff, some of the stuff i found very humorous BUT i can completly see someone not finding it funny because i wouldnt be their sense of humor, David trying to dictate someone on how they should like it or not watch the show is completly wrong by u and maybe u shouldnt be watching her chuck reactions if you dont like it, i actually would prefer an honest opinion by any reactor on what they dont like in a show that they do like(cuz she says she likes the show just not the buy more stuff), to me i like that, people can have many different reviews about chuck, what they liked and what they hated and still love the show, so dont try and dictate someone who is giving a genuine reaction and review and be mad that its not the same as your opinion