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As you know, I've had some help editing most of my content for the last idk like 4 years.

I want to thank Dipper, Chris, Strangeado, Wyatt and of course Tony. 

Currently, I only have one person helping me edit most of the content that goes onto YouTube at the moment and he's doing far too much as it is.

I want to get some of the movies I've done on YouTube but as you guys know (or may not know), my editing software loves to crash if I edit something longer than an hour long. (I think it's a graphics driver issue, not sure)

Anyway, this is me putting my feelers out to see if anybody is interested in trying to edit some of the movies to get them onto YouTube.

I want to expand the community I have here on Patreon & YouTube but unfortunately can't do it alone!

If you're interested in helping out - send me a message through Patreon, Discord or Twitter. 

Thank you.


Brandon Wiesner

I wish I had the kind of time to do this. I actually have a bit of a leg up because I have edited many videos for my old YT channel. But with my full time job and other activities as of late, I doubt I would be able to put in the time needed. Hopefully though there is someone out there that can help out.


I'd offer to help but I'm already helping some Froot Loop out with hers. (and I enjoy every minute of it)


I'm always happy to help! Oh... Wait.. I AM that person who is editing all the content.. Never mind. Continue. :)


Truly wish this was something I could help with but right now I don't have the skills or the computer power to do editing.

Zach Hershman

Video editing is always something I've wanted to learn how to do. I've thought about asking Tony if he'd be willing to put together a video with notes and tips on things to look out for and how to work with the software he uses. I wouldn't be able to help anytime soon, but maybe over time, I could learn.