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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yrnhu3r8cjhkr74/Ally%20McBeal%20S03E19%20-%20Do%20You%20Wanna%20Dance%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Years ago: Don't get in strangers car or meet people from the Internet Now: Order a stranger on the internet and get in their car Back in the mid 90s I moved in with a roommate and taught him how to use the internet. Within a few years he met a woman from Tasmania, she came to visit and stayed with us once in Illinois. A couple years later he packed up and moved to Tasmania and they got married and had kids. Long before this series & episode, I'd say it worked out well for them.

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 21:09:30 1. Welp.... If that's what you woke up looking like today cause of having curls yesterday... You know what to do ....Curlies... 24/7 (I'm not biased) ...Let's go ...Get the hairdresser to throw in some braids while you're at it to completely the look 2. I have NEVER. in my daaaaaamn life... EVER... Heard of the term "computer sex" before ....That sounds weird ....Was she riding her computer case??? 3. NOICE!!! John is fighting back!! Being mean to Nelle.. I FULLY approve! 4. Ally.... Do you hear yourself are you fucking stupid!? ...There's 650 THOUSSSAND people living in Boston ...How dumb can you be to think that the guy you met online just HAPPENS to be in your courtroom?!!? C'mon gurl! 5. Wait hold up.... Ally's mystery man goes by the name "Thunderthighs"???? ....That sounds like a name a woman would come up with ...added later... Home Improvement Kid!?!? GHWAT!?!? ...added right after... Yeah I'm NOT. gonna make fun of you Froots... I was looking his name up while you were also looking it up 6. Ally.... Get yourself checked ...You're hallucinating all the time ...Day dreaming while on the job ....Something's wrong with you gurl... It might be bad 7. Jonathan Taylor Thomas was 18 when this episode came out... Dude was born in 1981... Older than me??... I was not expecting THAT. .....Aaaaanyways... Ally didn't do anything wrong yeah.... Even though his character was 16 ...She only sat at a table with the kid ......Then again... She apparently was diddling herself while online with him in the beginning of the episode ....That's not considered statutory rape though... It's all kindsa fucked up... But there was no ACTUAL physical contact ....They have no case against Ally McDiddle 8. Is it illegal to talk to a minor about sex you ask? ...I had to look this up and I'm really glad I have search recommendations turned off cause ...Yikes... It all comes down to your purpose for contacting the other person.. Suggestive language or requests that are sexual in nature can result in being charged with a sex crime ...Examples of qualifying acts to solicit a minor online include texting a sexual joke or suggestive comment ....Ally however didn't know she was talking to a minor so no doubt she'll go free 9. Yeah sure Ally... You JUST made it out of this case a free woman and your like "Sure lemme kiss this kid" and then you're like "What?" ....You've learned nothing ....Sure... While there's NOTHING. wrong with meeting people online ...There IS. the risk that they're underage ...Ally could have ended up in jail ...Now that she's free... She immediately gives off the impression to everyone around her that she's cool with this kinda behaviour though ....So yeah Froots... I share your sentiment ....Gross 10. Does....... Uhm..... Does Nelle not realise she's working FOR. Cage & Fish??? ...How is she not getting fired over being rude to John in front of everyone??? 11. So Mark and Ally lost the case??? ...They finally lost one Froots!!!! Call the press!! 12. Yeah... Mark... Stop staring... You're being weird ...You have ZERO. chemistry with Ally 13. This episode sounds like it came from someone who still thinks you need to go out to meet people ...I've met my best friend online ...I've never met this weirdo in real life before but she's the BEST. thing about my life ...Wouldn't call her my bestie if she wasn't (cringey enough :P) ...This episode came off dated which I mean... It is... The whole show is I guess ...You don't need to go outside to meet people ...People you meet online can mean just as much as people you would potentially meet out in the real world ...They're just a little further away sometimes ...Only thing you have to be sure of is... Are they ACTUALLY who they say they are or are they just pretending?
2023-04-24 10:35:33 1. Welp.... If that's what you woke up looking like today cause of having curls yesterday... You know what to do ....Curlies... 24/7 (I'm not biased) ...Let's go ...Get the hairdresser to throw in some braids while you're at it to completely the look 2. I have NEVER. in my daaaaaamn life... EVER... Heard of the term "computer sex" before ....That sounds weird ....Was she riding her computer case??? 3. NOICE!!! John is fighting back!! Being mean to Nelle.. I FULLY approve! 4. Ally.... Do you hear yourself are you fucking stupid!? ...There's 650 THOUSSSAND people living in Boston ...How dumb can you be to think that the guy you met online just HAPPENS to be in your courtroom?!!? C'mon gurl! 5. Wait hold up.... Ally's mystery man goes by the name "Thunderthighs"???? ....That sounds like a name a woman would come up with ...added later... Home Improvement Kid!?!? GHWAT!?!? ...added right after... Yeah I'm NOT. gonna make fun of you Froots... I was looking his name up while you were also looking it up 6. Ally.... Get yourself checked ...You're hallucinating all the time ...Day dreaming while on the job ....Something's wrong with you gurl... It might be bad 7. Jonathan Taylor Thomas was 18 when this episode came out... Dude was born in 1981... Older than me??... I was not expecting THAT. .....Aaaaanyways... Ally didn't do anything wrong yeah.... Even though his character was 16 ...She only sat at a table with the kid ......Then again... She apparently was diddling herself while online with him in the beginning of the episode ....That's not considered statutory rape though... It's all kindsa fucked up... But there was no ACTUAL physical contact ....They have no case against Ally McDiddle 8. Is it illegal to talk to a minor about sex you ask? ...I had to look this up and I'm really glad I have search recommendations turned off cause ...Yikes... It all comes down to your purpose for contacting the other person.. Suggestive language or requests that are sexual in nature can result in being charged with a sex crime ...Examples of qualifying acts to solicit a minor online include texting a sexual joke or suggestive comment ....Ally however didn't know she was talking to a minor so no doubt she'll go free 9. Yeah sure Ally... You JUST made it out of this case a free woman and your like "Sure lemme kiss this kid" and then you're like "What?" ....You've learned nothing ....Sure... While there's NOTHING. wrong with meeting people online ...There IS. the risk that they're underage ...Ally could have ended up in jail ...Now that she's free... She immediately gives off the impression to everyone around her that she's cool with this kinda behaviour though ....So yeah Froots... I share your sentiment ....Gross 10. Does....... Uhm..... Does Nelle not realise she's working FOR. Cage & Fish??? ...How is she not getting fired over being rude to John in front of everyone??? 11. So Mark and Ally lost the case??? ...They finally lost one Froots!!!! Call the press!! 12. Yeah... Mark... Stop staring... You're being weird ...You have ZERO. chemistry with Ally 13. This episode sounds like it came from someone who still thinks you need to go out to meet people ...I've met my best friend online ...I've never met this weirdo in real life before but she's the BEST. thing about my life ...Wouldn't call her my bestie if she wasn't (cringey enough :P) ...This episode came off dated which I mean... It is... The whole show is I guess ...You don't need to go outside to meet people ...People you meet online can mean just as much as people you would potentially meet out in the real world ...They're just a little further away sometimes ...Only thing you have to be sure of is... Are they ACTUALLY who they say they are or are they just pretending?

1. Welp.... If that's what you woke up looking like today cause of having curls yesterday... You know what to do ....Curlies... 24/7 (I'm not biased) ...Let's go ...Get the hairdresser to throw in some braids while you're at it to completely the look 2. I have NEVER. in my daaaaaamn life... EVER... Heard of the term "computer sex" before ....That sounds weird ....Was she riding her computer case??? 3. NOICE!!! John is fighting back!! Being mean to Nelle.. I FULLY approve! 4. Ally.... Do you hear yourself are you fucking stupid!? ...There's 650 THOUSSSAND people living in Boston ...How dumb can you be to think that the guy you met online just HAPPENS to be in your courtroom?!!? C'mon gurl! 5. Wait hold up.... Ally's mystery man goes by the name "Thunderthighs"???? ....That sounds like a name a woman would come up with ...added later... Home Improvement Kid!?!? GHWAT!?!? ...added right after... Yeah I'm NOT. gonna make fun of you Froots... I was looking his name up while you were also looking it up 6. Ally.... Get yourself checked ...You're hallucinating all the time ...Day dreaming while on the job ....Something's wrong with you gurl... It might be bad 7. Jonathan Taylor Thomas was 18 when this episode came out... Dude was born in 1981... Older than me??... I was not expecting THAT. .....Aaaaanyways... Ally didn't do anything wrong yeah.... Even though his character was 16 ...She only sat at a table with the kid ......Then again... She apparently was diddling herself while online with him in the beginning of the episode ....That's not considered statutory rape though... It's all kindsa fucked up... But there was no ACTUAL physical contact ....They have no case against Ally McDiddle 8. Is it illegal to talk to a minor about sex you ask? ...I had to look this up and I'm really glad I have search recommendations turned off cause ...Yikes... It all comes down to your purpose for contacting the other person.. Suggestive language or requests that are sexual in nature can result in being charged with a sex crime ...Examples of qualifying acts to solicit a minor online include texting a sexual joke or suggestive comment ....Ally however didn't know she was talking to a minor so no doubt she'll go free 9. Yeah sure Ally... You JUST made it out of this case a free woman and your like "Sure lemme kiss this kid" and then you're like "What?" ....You've learned nothing ....Sure... While there's NOTHING. wrong with meeting people online ...There IS. the risk that they're underage ...Ally could have ended up in jail ...Now that she's free... She immediately gives off the impression to everyone around her that she's cool with this kinda behaviour though ....So yeah Froots... I share your sentiment ....Gross 10. Does....... Uhm..... Does Nelle not realise she's working FOR. Cage & Fish??? ...How is she not getting fired over being rude to John in front of everyone??? 11. So Mark and Ally lost the case??? ...They finally lost one Froots!!!! Call the press!! 12. Yeah... Mark... Stop staring... You're being weird ...You have ZERO. chemistry with Ally 13. This episode sounds like it came from someone who still thinks you need to go out to meet people ...I've met my best friend online ...I've never met this weirdo in real life before but she's the BEST. thing about my life ...Wouldn't call her my bestie if she wasn't (cringey enough :P) ...This episode came off dated which I mean... It is... The whole show is I guess ...You don't need to go outside to meet people ...People you meet online can mean just as much as people you would potentially meet out in the real world ...They're just a little further away sometimes ...Only thing you have to be sure of is... Are they ACTUALLY who they say they are or are they just pretending?

Brandon Wiesner

You know it's funny, because I'm pretty sure this has come up before. In the state of Massachusetts, the age of consent is 16. So, Ally should never have been arrested.