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Ooh i LOVE your hair today i really liked this episode. Cant wait for next episode. Im actually watching with you. Trying to fight the urge of binging it myself 😅


Isabel Evens and Isabel Stevens. (Also Isabel Linton on Wuthering Heights but nobody watched that) I remember noting all this during the original airings


I liked her in bride of chucky which came out a year before roswell premiered.

Jeremy Burch

Well, we learned that the mysterious guidance counselor, who showed up lying about who she was and didn't seem trustworthy in the slightest, was in fact, not trustworthy. Also, Alex it seems is starting to get real frustrated that his friends don't talk to him anymore. I liked that we got to see more of Michael in this episode and that he and Liz seemed to connect over the diary, which is not where I thought it was going to go, but that was a nice choice.

Zach Hershman

Michael said he didn't mean for it to get out of control. I don't think he meant to scare her. His plan was probably to return it before she found out. If Max had told Michael when he first found out I think Michael would have returned the diary that night. If I was Alex I'd find some new friends. First you're going to be secretive around me and then you're going to accuse me of stealing? Hell nah.


1. On the subject of casual dating like Liz and Kyle... And I mean absolutely no offense to those people you know.. But I find the concept of casual dating to be absolutely stupid in my opinion ...Either start a relationship with someone or don't ...Don't needlessly keep someone in your orbit when you have no true intent on pursuing them for an ACTUAL relationship ....Unless ofcourse both parties are into that kinda shit... Then I'd say let them do whatever they want while the rest of us find someone to truly connect with ....This seems like the kinda thing people do who think they can keep someone around as a "back-up plan" just in case ...To me that just sounds like another term for settling ....It's how people basically end up being a 2nd (or 3rd etc.) choice cause the "main choice" didn't work out ...I quoted "choice" cause love isn't about choosing.. You either feel it or you don't ......Anyways... Hard pass on being in a relationship like that /rant 2. Michael sharpening the pencil with his powers seemed a bit odd.... But one of his powers is molecular manipulation ...I suppose he can turn one thing into another to some extent ....Seeing the chips kinda fly off the pencil while he "sharpened" it DID look weird I agree 3. I can understand Kyle being rude to Liz ....Dude literally JUST got broken up with and it looks like she's basically already trynna pursue something with Max ....She's not even sad about the break-up ...I'd be pissed too ...Apparently to Liz her relationship with Kyle meant nothing 4. Yeah kinda unbelievable that Max wouldn't get mad at Liz after hearing her journal is missing ...Makes him come off as kinda pathetic around her to be honest ....Cause let's be real... His BIGGEST secret is in that journal and he's like "ceebs"??? ....Anyone else would freak the FUCK. out 5. I agree with Michael on this one... He painted something to means something to him, Max and Isabel ....But to the rest of these people it shouldn't mean anything ...It honestly looks like one of those climbing things you'd find in a playground or something ...Best guess is Michael painted something from his childhood .....Buuuuutttt... This being a TV Show and not reality I suppose there someone whose going to recognise it too (I don't know) ...added later... See? The teacher thinks it's just a geodesic dome ..Nerd 6. Yeah I find is VERY unbelievable that the sheriff would keep his door unlocked ......Buuuttt it seems like someone was already breaking in ...I guess that's why the door was unlocked 7. Lucky for Liz that Michael isn't a bad guy ...Glad to see she's got her journal back... Nooooow... I dunno... Burn it? 8. Stuff was a lot cheaper back then Froots... 19$ for a season pass would now be like 90$ 9. Yeah... "A friend gave it back to me"???? I'd still be VERY interested to know if this "friend" read the journal or not ...They kind swept that under the rug real quick ...I mean kinda have to wrap the episode up I get it... But jeebus Max... No follow up questions??? You're being a bit gullible mah dude! 10. Aaaaanndd she continues to write in her journal ....Y'know what? ...Maybe she should move on to something bigger.. Like a website or a YouTube channel 11. Interesting fact about Isabel besides your own Grey's Anatomy one ....On THIS show her name is spelled Isabel ....On the reboot the character is named Isobel with an O ....Random change and I'm not sure why they changed it