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Retro Tom

You had it close Shan. Peter, David & Michael DeLuise (He played the Actor who played Col. Danning in Wormhole Xtreme) are all brothers. Dom Deluise (Urgo) is their father.

Patrick - Excelsior

I was thinking same thing Shan. I think it would have made for a better ending if Sam had taken out the Uber-drone. I get they want to show that even the missile couldn't kill it, but they could have had almost same ending but except have the drone waking up when Jack and Teal'c were near. They get pinned down, then Sam shows up with the power supply, she takes the Uber-gun, plugs in power supply and kills the Uber-drone, the end. Much better ending. Amazon/WB, I'm waiting for your call.😀


This was one of the better episodes of season 7 ends bitter sweet seeing how both the rebel Jaffa and Tokra decided to leave the alpha site.


Drones like we think of today were not a thing when this was made. The term was often used in sci fi of mindless soldiers, so it wouldn't have sounded weird back then. It's a bit different now.


I makes me feel old every time I realized that Shan doesn't really know who Dom DeLuise was. Household name when I was a kid.


Yeah the constant use of the word "Drones" in this episode was a little confusing. Let's stick to either Kull warrior (which is their actual name) or super soldier please.


The Tok'ra seem to only be looking at the negatives and none of the positives. I understand that the Tok'ra can't grow in numbers like the Goa'uld can because they only take willing hosts but like you said, it's not like the Tok'ra that have died so far have died in vain. We've made lots of progress in the last 7 years. Were they expecting no Tok'ra to die? Imagine going to war and expecting no casualties from your side. Ridiculous. The Tok'ra's mistrust of Selmak and Jacob is also annoying and now is affecting Sam's relationship with her dad as Jacob said he won't be around for a while as he needs to focus on rebuilding his relationship with the Tok'ra.


1. I very much agree ...Season 7 should have had MORE. episodes devoted to the search for the lost city or at the very least have referenced it more ...Season 7 is still a good season don't get me wrong.. It most decidedly contains another few of my favourite episodes ...But I would have LOVED. to have seen more mention of it 2. Daniel mentions Amunemet.... You: "Heh.. Amunemet... Do you need a minute to say that" ...You proud of that one Froots? ..Ya doof 3. Ever since Urgo people have been trying to spoil you on the appearance of another DeLuise brother ........HEY! People!! ...How about we don't.... And maybe just pretend that we did?? 4. Soooo.. WE. know it's the theme song to Stargate SG-1 ...But... What would Carter (the character) think it is she's humming??? 5. I look over to one of my other screens.. You: "I'm still here!" ...I look back and see an empty seat "I'm just grabbing a drink" ...Oh ok good... I was worried The Asgard might have beamed you up or something 6. Aight..... So Osiris has Asgard beaming tech which she got from Anubis cause he mind-probed Thor ..Kinda fucked up to write that into the episode... Cause I don't think we've got ANY. defense against that ...added later... NEEEEEEVER MIND... Now we've got a jamming device all of a sudden? Convenient 7. First of all... I definitely agree on the cringe... Carter and Pete take it to a whole nother level... Second... Why are TV and Movie characters always so fascinated with boring old movies??? They suck.... And third... To answer your question.. David DeLuise was 32 years old when this episode aired 8. How do you take care of roses?? You put them in water ...Yup.. You and I are the same Froots... Our knowledge about taking care of plants is pretty straight forward 9. HA! Not only did Pete take her to some old geezer dance event... Which you've mentioned in voice after recording and I have to a agree.. SUPER-CRINGEY ....Did you notice the name of the event in the background!?! It's called "The Hip"!! I'm dying over here.... You know DAAAAAMN well someone is breaking their hip during this dance! 10. Good job Teal'c... Not dismissing Daniels dreams as just some random shit and thinking there's something nefarious going on ...If not for this guy the Goa'uld would've been one step closer to finding the lost city 11. Carter drove to the SGC and Pete followed her... It's pretty easy to get remotely close to Cheyenne Mountain where the SGC is supposedly located ...Pete could've followed her for quite a while before he couldn't go any further ....Little known fact... There's a Subway RIGHT OUTSIDE the entrance these days ...It wasn't there when they took the exterior shots for the show ...But just imagine... SG-1 is hungry and decides to go outside to down a couple of sandwiches 12. Ok so I counted... Daniel had 6 dreams in total ...The 6th dream was when they were already trynna catch Osiris in the act... This means that over the span of 5 days ...Pete went from new love interest to being told about the Stargate program ...He even inserted himself into the mission at the end ......Now.... I can GET... That after 6 months to a year of being around someone.... You'd have the right to know more about them (although in Carter's case it'd probably be longer) .....But I completely agree with you Froots... Carter and Pete knew eachother for a little over 5 days ...We don't know the exact number cause they did kinda already knew eachother apparently during the first scene ....But yeah... Waaaaaaaaaaaay too short a time to be telling secrets to a civilian... It definitely came off like it only "worked" cause the character was portrayed by someone in the family ....They COULD have come up with a cover story or shoved Pete off to some far remote off-world place to never be heard of again ...I mean... Dude DID interfere with a secret military operation ...There GOT. to be a law against that 13. Yeah I'm guessing it's just a random coincidence... Pete being called Pete ...I doubt the character was named after Peter DeLuise (the brother of the actor.. not the father) 14. Yeah why are they all of a sudden calling them drones??? I thought we established before that they were supersoldiers... Or more specifically Anubis called them Kull Warriors ...I'm not calling them drones ....Also... Sounds a lot like Borg Drones from Star Trek ...Which ....I mean... You don't know Froots... But they'd be even more intimidating than these Kull Warriors .....They would adapt against this new weapon within a minute ..That new weapon would be useless 15. Yeah is this Tok'ra dude really trynna act superior here?? "You needed us" ....Bish... If it wasn't for us... Your ass would be DEAD. ...The Tok'ra should consider themselves extremely fortunate that they're friends with us 16. How does the construction of Earth ships pose a threat to the Tok'ra??? ....We're allies!!! ...We have NO. ill intent towards them ..quadruple facepalm.. 17. True... We've never seen this Free Jaffa dude before ....However ...We've seen the actor before ...He played the hologram of Thor's human equivalent in both first episodes where "Thor" showed up before we ACTUALLY saw him show up 18. Lemme get this straight ...Anubis is dropping bodies left and right... Gathering an army that has the potential to take over the galaxy ....And these mothertruckers are ending their alliance with us??? .....These.... HOMELESS!!!! Mothertruckers??? .........good luck 19. HA! Teal'c is hovering over the Kull Warrior like "Bish I've seen Earth horror movies... The killer always gets back up" ....Calm down Teal'c ...He dead 20. The FUCK. do the Tok'ra need secrecy for when it comes to dealing with us??? Like... WHY?? It doesn't make any sense ...Especially not with... Oh I dunno... The fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance!!! 21. And the Free Jaffa are also gonna leave??! .....DUDE!!! Need I remind you guys again!?! There's a half ascended Goa'uld out there with an army of pretty much unstoppable Kull Warriors ready to kill everyone who doesn't bow down to him .....THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO END ALLIANCES!!!!! 22. Fine..... We'll just deal with Anubis ourselves ...You guys can rot. (that just brought the O'neill out in me) 23. TRUE. Froots... The deaths of those Tok'ra were cause they were FINALLY dealing with the problem cause WE. weren't sitting on our asses like them and took the fight to the Goa'uld ...The stupidity of the Tok'ra never seizes to amaze me