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I am sorry you don't like the Buy More stuff. They are normally hit or miss with me, but I also wouldn't call the characters bad. Morgan is becoming a good character finally. I don't mind Jeff and Lester; maybe they just need to limit their screentime. I like Big Mike, and everyone else there I don't really care about at all. Also, there were a few episodes from the first two seasons that you enjoyed the Buy More stuff. I can't think of the episodes, but you did end up enjoying them. If it makes you feel better, season 1 and 2 was him really working there but season 3 onwards it's strictly just a cover, like with Casey. Who would believe a nerd that fixes computers would be a spy? The Buy More stuff is actually very important for the show. If you didn't know, the show was almost canceled every season, and the Buy More stuff was able to generate revenue through brand promotion to keep the show running. There was even a time where everybody bought Subway to get the show renewed once since Subway was part of the brand promotion. So, I'm glad the Buy More stuff was able to help keep the show airing. (That's why you will see a lot of advertising in the Buy More, most notably Subway). A fun fact is that Zack even led like 1000 fans into a Subway for a SAVE CHUCK campaign, which eventually led Subway to buy more episodes of the show. I think almost every season finale was written as a possible series finale because that's how on edge they were to getting canceled. I do think this is very in character for Sarah. The signs have been there for a while. Maybe it's hard to remember since you watched the first two seasons monthly. I'm sure someone else can explain it better than me. Maybe the show will start to mesh together better since you are watching regularly now. Chuck may be a spy, but he has a strict no-gun policy. He always finds another way to do things, which makes him unique. He uses tranquilizer guns instead and uses his new intersect powers. But most importantly, he uses his brain to outsmart the bad guys.

Jeremy Burch

Well, things worked out well for Morgan in this episode, I'm actually glad he stood up for himself, but it was terrible timing. This episode did a really good job of explaining both Chuck and Sarah's feelings. Hearing Chucks explanation for why he made his choice got rid of all my irritation from the previous episode and I'm glad Sarah was able to hear it. Although, I'm still annoyed that Chuck is always so surprised to hear that Sarah has feelings for him, I mean why did he think she wanted to run away with him. I also like that they talked about why Sarah would be hurt so much, because of the CIA training her not to let herself feel and on top of that, her early upbringing with her dad teaching her how to be a con artist, she has a lot of walls up. Chuck was able to get her to let those walls down and try to runaway with him and then he said no, so she was hurt and those walls went back up. Although I think those walls are kind of crumbly and not as sturdy as they were before, but they did go back up. I don't think it was entirely out of character for Sarah to ask Chuck to runaway with him, I think we have started to see signs during the series of her wanting a normal life, in particular the episode where they went undercover as a married couple in suburbia and I think she's scared the spy life will change him and take away the things that make him who he is, making him more like her and Casey were when this show first started. As for the Buy More stuff, honestly I don't like most of it, I like Big Mike for the most part, I like Morgan, I actually really didn't like Morgan in season 1 but I started liking him in season 2, although to be fair in season 1 and 2 they needed Buy More storylines for Morgan, but now that he lives with Chuck they don't really need Buy More to have him in the show. Jeff and Lester I don't really like, they do sometimes have funny line deliveries and people reacting to them can be funny sometimes, but usually I find them more creepy and kind of disturbing. But I did like Jeffster performing at the wedding and they have had a few really good Buy More episodes like the Hostage one in season 2, but I usually hope the writers will just write better stories rather than the characters will leave the show, because I don't really want the actors to lose their jobs, also I know a lot of people really like the Buy More stuff.


Yeah, the offical subreddit loves the buymore stuff. They say its what makes this show more unique and not like any other spy show. I got downvoted to hell for asking if anybody doesnt like the buymore stuff lmao. for me i just dont mind it. I dont love it but i dont hate it either. Theres some really great plots for it and some bad plots for it too. Like for example, i really liked that christmas episode where they were all hostages in the buymore. That was fun. I mostly like how it does alot of character development and how its connected to castle and the spy life so much. Its like a secret safeplace for spys if that makes sense.


The male term for Mary Sue is Gary Stu Froots... Most guys are completely oblivious when a girl has feelings for them ...Chuck's surprised look was a very believable guy thing to happen ....WE. know cause we watch the show.. But for Chuck ..Finding out that Sarah loves him.. Mind blown

David Brown

The bad guy in this episode was also Brick on Arrow, and.... ' [He's] the Juggernaut, bitch! '