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this weeks been not great for me

with my finger cutting incident, going to hospital, having a terrible lunch with my sister that's just left me in a depressive slump and i don't think recording will make me feel any better right now

i think recording would lead to me being very negative during the episodes and i don't want to be negative.

sorry guys



No worries. Doesn't help anybody if you force yourself to watch a show while in a bad mood. I also sometimes skip a week on the shows I watch, cause I'm just not feeling it.

Timotey Kuhn

That is just fine. It DEFINITELY doesn't make anything better to watch new stuff in a bad frame of mind. Maybe take a little time and just for yourself rewatch something you know you truly enjoyed in the past.


Rest. Recover. Regroup. I've never understood how you put out so much content anyway.

Chess Red Eagle

That is absolutely fine. Take the time you need for your health. We will be right here.

Patrick - Excelsior

No biggie, sometimes life gets in the way. Plenty to watch this week.


No worries take care of yourself


Shannon, I don't know if it helps at all, but as someone trapped at home for three years, with failing health. You bring so much joy to people. And we want you to look after yourself. Give yourself a bloody hug.