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This is one of my favorite episodes. I just love seeing time travel shenanigans. I would literally love a spinoff of just Nora and Bart. Their chemistry is just so good together. And this nora is so much better than season 5 nora even though i still liked that nora. This one is much more grown up, also i think her rewind powers dont exist anymore when they had 2 children instead of one.


This is such a feel good episode. Bart and Nora are absolutely incredible together once again. Jordan Fisher and Jessica Parker Kennedy just have such great chemistry just like in season 7. Like I can absolutely buy the two of them being brother and sister. The story was also really fun and overall pretty well written. What Avery explained about this being a fixed point: The events of Nora and Bart saving Joe from getting shot created a fixed point in their timeline, just like 2024 Flash and Thawne going back in time to the year 2000 created the fixed point of Nora Allen dying, despite her being alive in 2024 Flash's original timeline. Changing that could potentially cause a Flashpoint level time anomaly for Bart and Nora specifically. It's like how Jay explained to Barry all the way back in season 3. The timeline cannot be reset to how it originally was, just like you can't erase the cracks in a mug you dropped, even if you put all the pieces back together. The casino heist couldn't be changed anymore without risking to damage the timeline even more than it already was. Same as with Flashpoint. However, as season 3 showed and season 5 later on reiterated, the timeline isn't entirely made up of fixed points. Parts of it are moldable. The timeline is malleable as Thawne and OG Nora put it. That's what the death toll of the casino heist was. A malleable event in time. Just like the newspaper headlines Barry saw in season 3 when he was thrown into the future and saw Savitar kill Iris. Also speaking of Avery: that was probably Avery Ho. One of the people who in 2016's Flash Rebirth were affected by the speedforce storm, that created Godspeed. She is to this day a part of the Flash family in the comics. Fun easter egg, imo. And apropos fun easter egg: The timeline Bart and Nora basically created this episode we were already in during Armageddon. Or at least Barry was. When Barry mentioned the Royal Flush Gang being Central City's first meta threat during 8x01, he also implied they first attacked while he was in his coma, referencing the events that transpired in this episode.


i love nora episodes so much. also booster gold easter egg!


Im so mad we cant see booster gold in legends. The actor was great in scrubs and has great comedic timing. He would have been a great addition to the show.

Brandon Wiesner

I normally hate when the main characters are sidelined for behind the scenes reasons but I found this one to be really enjoyable. Bart showed so much growth as a character and it was fun seeing them mess up and have to fix things. Royal Flush Gang aside, this was for me the best episode of the season up to this point.


I enjoyed this episode. It was nice to see Eddie again and Bart and Nora make a great duo. My one complaint is the writing. There are times when it feels like the writers don't trust us to remember the show or the dialogue isn't natural. Like the examples you pointed out, why is Jay telling Bart and Nora how Bart saved him? In that timeline, Bart was there. He doesn't need a recap. There could've been a better way to tell the audience this. The show has a habit of "telling" rather than "showing." Why do we need a scene of the Royal Flush Gang showing off their powers when we saw them 5 episodes prior? That scene, some of the flashbacks, and the writing makes me think this show is sometimes written for families (with kids in mind), rather than a show that families choose to watch, if that makes sense.


Yeah, there are some issues but i can look past them if the episode itself is fun and entertaining. It only becomes an issue for me if its boring and not fun.

Patrick - Excelsior

Really enjoyed this episode. I liked the call backs to first season. Great to see Eddie again. Love the character growth in Nora. Jay's joke about President Luther was funny. I'm glad they resisted the temptation to get Wells/Thawne involved, story didn't need that. It was better without it. I like how it explained why in Armageddon they said Royal Flush Gang was first villain instead of Weather Wizard. I kind of like the RFG. ... I like puns. Also liked how they mention Jay Fighting in WW2, nice callback to Golden Age Flash comics I read as a kid. (yes I have many Golden age Flash comics).


I like this episode so much bart and nora are a great speedster duo the royal flush gang I don't like really puns why can't they be more serious Seeing Eddie again is always good I miss him so much and I don't know why since he was just a guy so barry wouldn't get with Iris fast So the girl in the episode name is Avery Ho she is the flash of china which yes is a real thing l look it's up so I guess it kinda cool This is why I want a arc with nora and bart but knowing the next episode we are never going to get it which sucks But at least we got a episode with Bart and Nora also Jay alive I'm happy when he president Luther I pause the episode and I was like excuse me but it's was a joke almost got me Good episode overall 8.5/10 more of this please