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I knew someone who was like a minor version of Anderson without nearly the power. He was my supervisor and got it in his head that I was a bad person and that I was somehow fooling everyone else, but not him! He made it his mission to get me fired. If I blinked wrong, he wrote me up. If someone tried to blame me for something I didn't do, he just assumed it was true and didn't even check and punished me for it. The only reason I didn't quite was because he boss threw away every attempt at writing me up and undid every punishment, but that only made him more angry and more determined to prove I was as bad as he already decided I was. As far as he was concerned, he needed to prove he was right, and he needed to get rid of me because if I was fooling everyone else, I must be really bad! Yeah, it did not turn out well for him and I ended up being promoted to his position a y ear or so after he left. Anyway, Anderson is action the same way that person did. He thinks Superman is bad and is fooling everyone else, and any time he's proven wrong, that just makes him more determined to take Superman down by any means necessary. Is it frustrating? Incredibly! But sadly, that is exactly how some people are.

Brandon Wiesner

John absolutely deserves the wrath of his brother, mother and father. Clark was right, what he did went against everything that they stand for. I mean sure, being a teenager with raging hormones and the need to compete with everyone is understandable. At least he, on his own decided I'm not gonna do this anymore. But also, I'm glad that he is not just getting away without any consequences just because he stopped. There's not much else to say about Anderson. You said it already. The thing that I found hard to believe though was that he actually managed to kill Bizarro, just by taking XK, especially since the kryptonite made him stronger. Pretty damn weak way to end his story in the show.

Chess Red Eagle

The MOUNTAINS of salt and disdain you have for Anderson is truly amazing. Every time you called him an idiot I think added a year to my life lol He really is the worst. He's so full of himself and has so thoroughly convince himself that everything he thinks is right that he just makes the dumbest decisions possible and rationalizes it. It's honestly incredible to me just how consistently wrong he is. It's truly amazing.

Joseph Jimenez

Now Anderson needs to die in the comics he a character called Outburst but I don't remember is he a villain or a hero but I don't care he needs to go before I lose more brain cells because of him John reason why he taking x kryptonite is reasonable everyone in his family has something going for them but Johnathan are you really going to ruin your life over some girl I proud of Lana for standing her ground against the mayor if doesn't win the election I'm going to be upset Anderson is on my list of people who I hate in the arrowverse But Felicity is still number 1 Because she stole Barry and Iris moment


Just a couple things This episode made the U.S military / government look MUCH more competent than they really are.. Whoever wrote this thinks they can hold Superman for an extended period of time and NOBODY wouldn't immediately come to his defense and get him out??!? That's Superman... He's the hero of the people.. And I'm NOT. talking just the American people cause that's fucking stupid in it's own right... No... He's a hero of THE WORLD... There's ABSOLUTELY. NO. FUCKING. way that they could get away with this kinda shit But.. Then... For a moment they flipped the script.. Some soldiers come into the cell with kryptonite enhanced rifles ..Tal-Rho just takes the gun from the soldier by grabbing it at the part that has green kryptonite clearly showing ...And he doesn't get hurt?? He and Superman are just able to get free like that.. EVEN. in a red cell with their powers weakened.. They'd get affected by green kryptonite... This episode was all over the place ....But we're not done yet Later on... We were basically led to believe that Tal-Rho was dead.. That our sun didn't revive him... Superman lands next to a dead Bizarro? ...with what we believe to be a dead Tal-Rho ...Only to then cut to the next shot where Superman brought him back to the red cell and he's alive??? ...Why did Superman land back where Bizarro was laying?? Odd choice to not immediately go back to the red cell in case Tal-Rho woke up... And so we end up with him bringing Tal-Rho back to be a prisoner to the U.S government ...Cause... Y'know... We can TOOOOTALLY trust them after all that happened... Right??? Superman should have brought Tal-Rho somewhere more secure... I'm sure there'd be a way to hold him in his fortress in the desert without him getting free ...While also hiding him from Peter Hale who not only knows the location of the fortress... He also knows the location of the red cell ....I'm sure that will come in to play later on Man this episode was stupid ....One good thing though... Jonathan got caught and this whole drug story can be over now ...But also... Everyone collectively lost I.Q. points for not being able to figure out it was the girlfriend he was covering for