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Fun fact: This episode is one of the highest rated episodes of the entire series. This prequel should have happened. It would have given us more of what we want. I do want to make it clear that i do honestly think the first 5 seasons are the best but i still enjoy season 6 and 7 (mostly 6). Im actually so pissed this prequel never happened. Theres so many things they could have explored, They could have explored the beginning of the mountain men and how they became the enemies and maybe even explore some storylines from the beginning of the ark with our favorite characters ancestors. They could literally explore so much more in this series and it being a prequel wouldnt matter about how we know what happens in the end because this was over a hundred years ago, we dont know what happened to them, all we know is they died at some point like anybody else so it could be just as thrilling and exciting as a new show. By far one of my favorite episodes in the entire series. I like the new characters and want to see how it all starts. The writing was surprisingly really tight and consistent with the show. The way they were able to combine the current season lore with the old lore and have it all make sense is incredible. It has the perfect tone and it honestly felt like a trip back to the best era of the show. (Ok maybe i understand why people dont like this season as much but i get defensive with negativity, i apologize for that. Thank you for helping me see it this way.) As you can tell i am a big fan of this episode since i cant stop talking about it and im glad you enjoyed it so much. Im sorry we cant also enjoy the prequel since the cw is crap.


As stated by other comments, this was the backdoor pilot to a spinoff that never happened. Despite how I feel about where the show has gone, I believe a prequel would have been amazing. Imagine a spinoff that felt like season 1-3 of The 100. Like you said, it focused on what previously happened and explain quite a bit. From what I could tell, Trikru was probably some kind of environmental activist group. While a lot of the things that they did show background for changed what we knew, I felt like most of them still made sense. Like Trigedasleng. I always wondered how a language like that would have been developed and become the dominate language. Making Trig a language that Cal made up makes more sense. This would also explain why it quite frequently sounds like broken or "dumbed down" English... it was made by a child. Done well I feel like this show could have lasted for a while and could have been even more successful than The 100 was. Even if it only got one season, I would have like to see where they went with it

AshLand Writer

I have a lot of thoughts: 1) I absolutely hate that the language was created. The way some phrases are, it’s very clear that it was supposed to be an evolved language— which would make sense in a world where most of the world’s written word was destroyed. I think I recall a large library in the Commander’s home, but that would have been lightly damaged books collected over time. 2) It is nice that they have a solution for people surviving high levels of radiation other than natural selection, since the survivability would have been so low, but I do prefer the landing Becca had where all the zombie-esque grounders were surrounding her. On the other hand, too many people would have been aware of the science behind nightblood for it to become a religious thing. Plus, with so many animals surviving the radiation, they really didn’t need the blood alteration for the human race to survive in the long-term. However, assuming that Becca never had her own kids, this explains how nightblood survived the generations. I’m a little conflicted on this point. 3) I really hate that Becca Primeheda was never even leader long enough for the grounders to know or respect her leadership. When referring to your reign as Heda, you do so by saying that you’re the heir of Becca Primheda, successor of whoever came before you, and that you have the flame. Why is her name so important if she wasn’t even leader long enough to become legendary? Somehow saving the human race in secret doesn’t have the same ring to it was rebuilding society upon the rubble you were responsible for. I’m displeased with how they restructured her story around this unnecessary plot. 4) Does the bunker guy really need a family? There are other ways to make the audience believe this character is well-rounded. Just saying. If I wrote this, he would have been a mad scientist with a nomad or monk mindset seeking ultimate enlightenment, who sent his flock to another planet to avoid radiation poisoning and food shortage. No need to involve Becca. How does he trust her anyway, if she’s the one that ended the world?


100% agree, they robbed us of this prequel. They should revive it sometime in the future even though that's highly unlikely lol


Callie kept Beccas name alive and after generations stories become muddled so it makes sense why they worship Becca pretty much. I thought this episode connected everything pretty well and much more coherently then I thought was possible.

AshLand Writer

Exceeding low expectations doesn’t make up for contradictory storylines. We clearly see Becca arriving to a hoard of grounders in the earlier seasons. Now she is arriving to a small expedition team in Hazmat suits. Filling in plot holes or time gaps is one thing. Rewriting the script after the movie releases is another.


Are you sure they were grounders in the earlier episode? I just went back to watch and it looked a lot more subtle then i remembered. They clearly made it ambiguous with the way they barely showed anything and made sure to not show any big details so they had freeway to return to that storyline anytime they wanted. Alot of shows do this so they can have options when they return to it.

AshLand Writer

They were grounders in the sense that they were outside in the radiation without Hazmat suits instead of in a bunker or spacecraft. This would imply that a decent amount of time would have passed, where the healthiest managed to survive the initial levels. This is noted in earlier seasons, when we are told that it is custom that someone with a deformity is left out for nature to reclaim in order to strengthen the bloodline and humans as a species. I don’t think killing newborne babies could have become such a natural and respected ritual if the Commander united the people so soon after society collapsed. I went back to find the original scene, since you mentioned that things looked ambiguous. There must be another scene somewhere that I’m thinking of, because the clothes aren’t as damaged and the people aren’t as dirty as I remember. Regardless, there’s still a lot of people who witness her landing in the original scene filmed than the few explorers that found her in the re-filmed scene. And—at least to me—it still looks like the people in the original were wearing the kind of clothes and masks that Americans wore during the Dust Bowl: not Hazmat suits. After all, the average person wouldn’t have radiation resistant suits.


Im just so bummed that this never became a full series. Theres so much potential for this show and The CW just threw it away. This as a pilot is already way stronger than the pilot for the 100, it took a few episodes before this show started to find its footing.

AshLand Writer

I can agree with that. The world of the 100 was definitely built well enough to deserve its own Universe of shows. I think spin-offs would have stood better on their own than trying to shove it into the current show. As much as I like the themes of the current season, it feels a little forced.


Yes i can agree with that. I feel like season 6 and 7 should have been a spin off and season 5 be the end of the main show. I do like these last 2 seasons but they do feel very different from the past seasons, so it being under a different title could have made it be more well received. I hope they revive the world sometime in the future because theres still so much story to tell.

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-19 22:16:12 1. The first 5 seasons in my opinion were not too far out there for me to consider it sci-fi... Sure we had a people used to live on a space station story but I feel that's about it ...I don't count ALLIE as particularly scifi... I feel in our society given the right amount of people we could program an A.I. that could come somewhat close ...I consider Season 6 and 7 ACTUAL sci-fi cause we literally went to another planet by ship ...Hell Season 7 dialed it up with the inclusion of the anomaly ...But Season 1 through 5? ...Nope.. That's like.. Perhaps maaaaybe... Barely touching early SG-1 days kinda "sci-fi" 2. I get your issue with the show Froots and I in some ways share it.. You signed up for a show about people from the sky landing on Earth and having drama with the people on the ground ...Not a show where all of a sudden we can go to other planets ...It's a huge shift in tone for a show and I get how that can put people off ....I have more to say about this when you reach the end of the show 3. Froots... I feel sorry for you having a burned finger... But you just asked "Do you want to kiss it better?" ....I ain't kissing my screen ...That would just be weird and unsanitary 4. True... I like seeing J.R. Bourne as the Dark Commander... He's got a great way of acting evil ...Not as much fun as a certain trench coat angel but certainly getting there 5. NOPE. No sarcasm AT. ALL. ....It IS an easy conclusion to make Froots... Code disappears after Russell is seen making a deal with the Dark Commander... It's just a thing that went over your head I suppose 6. Why do these people care so much about Clarke? ....My theory (cause I honestly don't remember) is that they've somehow heard about Clarke's impressive skill at pulling levers and pressing buttons... SOMEWHERE. on this planet of theirs... There's the ultimate button that can prevent this ultimate war they keep mentioning and they NEED. Clarke... Cause she's the chosen one... Only the chosen one has the strength and fortitude to push that shit ...added later... Oh ok his daughter's mind is on the drive.. Lame ..I like my button theory better 7. Yeeeeeaaah... Characters on this show win fights for the sake of the story... I stand by the fact that the old crazy man could've never beaten Echo ...Here we have another example ...Hope is getting her ass handed by Diyoza ....Was Hope not paying attention when she got taught by the crazy old man and her "dad"??? She SHOULD be able to match Diyoza in fighting skills especially since she's younger and I bet Diyoza hasn't really been in a fight since she had Hope 8. Echo.. While maaaaaybe a little crazy (I don't agree but for argument sake) is still a Grounder... I don't think it's out of character for her to do a Grounder thing and show blood on her face ....It's like she said.. A thing her people do to indicate she's ready to go to war ...Yes sure she's come a long way from being a spy or whatever and she's considered one of them ...But she is and always will be a Grounder... That's in her upbringing ....To argue that she shouldn't do this kinda stuff or act this way to me is like if you'd argue for Teal'c to stop following Jaffa rituals and tell him to "be normal" cause he's on Earth ...Normal by who'se standards?? It'd be an insult to his culture ...This is why I don't agree with you ...Echo's "out of character" behaviour at the sight of losing Bellamy is due to the fact that deep down she's still a Grounder ....Grounders gonna Ground 9. Why do they need 10 digits to dial another planet?? Seems a bit much to me.. You only need 7 to dial on Stargate (8 to go to another galaxy) and you can go to thousands of different worlds with that ...10 digits is just overly complicating shit... And from what we've seen there's only like.. 6 worlds or something like that that they can go to .....They need to go to Abydos and get some more addre........... Oooooohhh.. Too soon? 10. Hehe... Y'know what I just realised... These guys are related to The Second -->Dawn<-- ...And they think Clarke is "The Key" .....I'mma just leave that here 11. True... The actress opposite Bill's daughter (I'm not spelling her name.. FUCK. THAT.) was Lilith (or Lilly) the girl who hung out with Young Emma on OAUT 12. Ughtan is a cockroach... He'll bore his way into anything ...I legit don't remember him showing up cause I can happily say I didn't know him at the time.. So it'll be interesting to see if he's just as boring here as he was on the other show 13. WHUT????? In the last episode Gabriel said they needed 10 symbols... Now they're stating it's 7???? WHO.... WHOOOOOO. watched Stargate in between these 2 episodes?!?! ....And also... I checked... Julie Plec didn't write for The 100.. But I would NOT. have been surprised if she had 14. Ok so I looked this up... Becca basically landed right in front of Polis in 3x07.. The people seen coming towards her looked like they were wearing some sort of armor.. Military I think or Grounder armor (but I feel I can definitely see a soldiers helmet on one of them in the 3x07 episode I just checked on Netflix.... I feel MAAAYBE they could've also re-edited this in future bluray/streaming releases or whatever after Season 7 came out to further fix a visual plothole ...Cause for some reason I remember seeing obvious Grounders approaching her when I first watched it) .....Given however that we can't really see who the people were in 3x07 since they were too far away from Becca when they approached her... I think the most likely scenario is that the writers jumped at the opportunity to use this for their story for 7x08 ...And that it WAS. meant to be Grounders in 3x07 but they changed it to Second Dawn in 7x08 to fit their narrative 15. So now we know how people from Earth got to Bardo ...Great... Cool.. BUT. I'mma just point out the EXTREME. convenience that this anomaly.. With which we can only travel to a handful of other planets as far as they're aware ...ALSO. goes to Sanctum.. 1 planet.. In our galaxy... That just HAPPENS. to also have humans from Earth on it ....Given that our galaxy consists of a 100 billion stars with probably a billion chances for habitable worlds ...I find the likelyhood that they just are able to stumble onto these 2 planets to be VERY.. VEEEEEEERYY convenient ....You may hit that button now Froots 16. Also... We see here that the anomaly stone was inside Polis all along.. Most likely left there too after Second Dawn went through so nobody told the Grounders to move it somewhere... Yet we've never seen an anomaly be formed after ...Are we supposed to assume Second Dawn NEVER. tried to go back to Earth for a quick trip or whatever? They seem to go to the other planets quite often ...I feel this is further proof that the final 2 seasons were NOT. planned from the very beginning like the producer wants us to believe ......I mean... With the end of Season 5 being "end of book 1" and keeping in mind that all the books of The 100 were put into those first 5 seasons ....It's safe to assume that the whole mention of "We planned this ending since the beginning" was just an excuse and the anomaly having never been seen before was new and the people Becca saw in 3x07 really were just Grounders before this episode 17. Dude.... That wasn't a weak punch... Ughtan just wanted to lightly touch that guys face cause he was probably feeling lonely and that guy was like "I don't swing that way buddy" and fought back 18. Wait what??? Ok... Here's my issue... These guys ALL. have guns ok? ....Girl with the unpronouncable name just shot her brother and then is like "Let us go or you're next!" ...They outnumber her by A. LOT. .....She doesn't have the high ground here yet all of these guys stand down and let her leave???? Who wrote this?? 19. Was 7x08 a good episode.. Sure.. It connected some dots... Would it have been a good premise to a new show coming off of The 100? I'm not so sure... Which plotline would it have followed? The Grounders who we'd watch while they just tried to survive and for some reason started speaking Trig even though there was no reason for it (kinda lame) ...Or take everything bad from Season 6 and 7 and have it be about the people of Bardo who for the longest fucking time would only be able to go to a handful of other planets and who would be talking about the last war every chance they'd get but couldn't show anything cause they hadn't met The 100 for another couple of hundred years ....I can see why they passed on making this a show ....Besides... How about we don't give Ughtan any more screen time please and thank you
2023-02-19 19:41:56 1. The first 5 seasons in my opinion were not too far out there for me to consider it sci-fi... Sure we had a people used to live on a space station story but I feel that's about it ...I don't count ALLIE as particularly scifi... I feel in our society given the right amount of people we could program an A.I. that could come somewhat close ...I consider Season 6 and 7 ACTUAL sci-fi cause we literally went to another planet by ship ...Hell Season 7 dialed it up with the inclusion of the anomaly ...But Season 1 through 5? ...Nope.. That's like.. Perhaps maaaaybe... Barely touching early SG-1 days kinda "sci-fi" 2. I get your issue with the show Froots and I in some ways share it.. You signed up for a show about people from the sky landing on Earth and having drama with the people on the ground ...Not a show where all of a sudden we can go to other planets ...It's a huge shift in tone for a show and I get how that can put people off ....I have more to say about this when you reach the end of the show 3. Froots... I feel sorry for you having a burned finger... But you just asked "Do you want to kiss it better?" ....I ain't kissing my screen ...That would just be weird and unsanitary 4. True... I like seeing J.R. Bourne as the Dark Commander... He's got a great way of acting evil ...Not as much fun as a certain trench coat angel but certainly getting there 5. NOPE. No sarcasm AT. ALL. ....It IS an easy conclusion to make Froots... Code disappears after Russell is seen making a deal with the Dark Commander... It's just a thing that went over your head I suppose 6. Why do these people care so much about Clarke? ....My theory (cause I honestly don't remember) is that they've somehow heard about Clarke's impressive skill at pulling levers and pressing buttons... SOMEWHERE. on this planet of theirs... There's the ultimate button that can prevent this ultimate war they keep mentioning and they NEED. Clarke... Cause she's the chosen one... Only the chosen one has the strength and fortitude to push that shit ...added later... Oh ok his daughter's mind is on the drive.. Lame ..I like my button theory better 7. Yeeeeeaaah... Characters on this show win fights for the sake of the story... I stand by the fact that the old crazy man could've never beaten Echo ...Here we have another example ...Hope is getting her ass handed by Diyoza ....Was Hope not paying attention when she got taught by the crazy old man and her "dad"??? She SHOULD be able to match Diyoza in fighting skills especially since she's younger and I bet Diyoza hasn't really been in a fight since she had Hope 8. Echo.. While maaaaaybe a little crazy (I don't agree but for argument sake) is still a Grounder... I don't think it's out of character for her to do a Grounder thing and show blood on her face ....It's like she said.. A thing her people do to indicate she's ready to go to war ...Yes sure she's come a long way from being a spy or whatever and she's considered one of them ...But she is and always will be a Grounder... That's in her upbringing ....To argue that she shouldn't do this kinda stuff or act this way to me is like if you'd argue for Teal'c to stop following Jaffa rituals and tell him to "be normal" cause he's on Earth ...Normal by who'se standards?? It'd be an insult to his culture ...This is why I don't agree with you ...Echo's "out of character" behaviour at the sight of losing Bellamy is due to the fact that deep down she's still a Grounder ....Grounders gonna Ground 9. Why do they need 10 digits to dial another planet?? Seems a bit much to me.. You only need 7 to dial on Stargate (8 to go to another galaxy) and you can go to thousands of different worlds with that ...10 digits is just overly complicating shit... And from what we've seen there's only like.. 6 worlds or something like that that they can go to .....They need to go to Abydos and get some more addre........... Oooooohhh.. Too soon? 10. Hehe... Y'know what I just realised... These guys are related to The Second -->Dawn<-- ...And they think Clarke is "The Key" .....I'mma just leave that here 11. True... The actress opposite Bill's daughter (I'm not spelling her name.. FUCK. THAT.) was Lilith (or Lilly) the girl who hung out with Young Emma on OAUT 12. Ughtan is a cockroach... He'll bore his way into anything ...I legit don't remember him showing up cause I can happily say I didn't know him at the time.. So it'll be interesting to see if he's just as boring here as he was on the other show 13. WHUT????? In the last episode Gabriel said they needed 10 symbols... Now they're stating it's 7???? WHO.... WHOOOOOO. watched Stargate in between these 2 episodes?!?! ....And also... I checked... Julie Plec didn't write for The 100.. But I would NOT. have been surprised if she had 14. Ok so I looked this up... Becca basically landed right in front of Polis in 3x07.. The people seen coming towards her looked like they were wearing some sort of armor.. Military I think or Grounder armor (but I feel I can definitely see a soldiers helmet on one of them in the 3x07 episode I just checked on Netflix.... I feel MAAAYBE they could've also re-edited this in future bluray/streaming releases or whatever after Season 7 came out to further fix a visual plothole ...Cause for some reason I remember seeing obvious Grounders approaching her when I first watched it) .....Given however that we can't really see who the people were in 3x07 since they were too far away from Becca when they approached her... I think the most likely scenario is that the writers jumped at the opportunity to use this for their story for 7x08 ...And that it WAS. meant to be Grounders in 3x07 but they changed it to Second Dawn in 7x08 to fit their narrative 15. So now we know how people from Earth got to Bardo ...Great... Cool.. BUT. I'mma just point out the EXTREME. convenience that this anomaly.. With which we can only travel to a handful of other planets as far as they're aware ...ALSO. goes to Sanctum.. 1 planet.. In our galaxy... That just HAPPENS. to also have humans from Earth on it ....Given that our galaxy consists of a 100 billion stars with probably a billion chances for habitable worlds ...I find the likelyhood that they just are able to stumble onto these 2 planets to be VERY.. VEEEEEEERYY convenient ....You may hit that button now Froots 16. Also... We see here that the anomaly stone was inside Polis all along.. Most likely left there too after Second Dawn went through so nobody told the Grounders to move it somewhere... Yet we've never seen an anomaly be formed after ...Are we supposed to assume Second Dawn NEVER. tried to go back to Earth for a quick trip or whatever? They seem to go to the other planets quite often ...I feel this is further proof that the final 2 seasons were NOT. planned from the very beginning like the producer wants us to believe ......I mean... With the end of Season 5 being "end of book 1" and keeping in mind that all the books of The 100 were put into those first 5 seasons ....It's safe to assume that the whole mention of "We planned this ending since the beginning" was just an excuse and the anomaly having never been seen before was new and the people Becca saw in 3x07 really were just Grounders before this episode 17. Dude.... That wasn't a weak punch... Ughtan just wanted to lightly touch that guys face cause he was probably feeling lonely and that guy was like "I don't swing that way buddy" and fought back 18. Wait what??? Ok... Here's my issue... These guys ALL. have guns ok? ....Girl with the unpronouncable name just shot her brother and then is like "Let us go or you're next!" ...They outnumber her by A. LOT. .....She doesn't have the high ground here yet all of these guys stand down and let her leave???? Who wrote this?? 19. Was 7x08 a good episode.. Sure.. It connected some dots... Would it have been a good premise to a new show coming off of The 100? I'm not so sure... Which plotline would it have followed? The Grounders who we'd watch while they just tried to survive and for some reason started speaking Trig even though there was no reason for it (kinda lame) ...Or take everything bad from Season 6 and 7 and have it be about the people of Bardo who for the longest fucking time would only be able to go to a handful of other planets and who would be talking about the last war every chance they'd get but couldn't show anything cause they hadn't met The 100 for another couple of hundred years ....I can see why they passed on making this a show ....Besides... How about we don't give Ughtan any more screen time please and thank you

1. The first 5 seasons in my opinion were not too far out there for me to consider it sci-fi... Sure we had a people used to live on a space station story but I feel that's about it ...I don't count ALLIE as particularly scifi... I feel in our society given the right amount of people we could program an A.I. that could come somewhat close ...I consider Season 6 and 7 ACTUAL sci-fi cause we literally went to another planet by ship ...Hell Season 7 dialed it up with the inclusion of the anomaly ...But Season 1 through 5? ...Nope.. That's like.. Perhaps maaaaybe... Barely touching early SG-1 days kinda "sci-fi" 2. I get your issue with the show Froots and I in some ways share it.. You signed up for a show about people from the sky landing on Earth and having drama with the people on the ground ...Not a show where all of a sudden we can go to other planets ...It's a huge shift in tone for a show and I get how that can put people off ....I have more to say about this when you reach the end of the show 3. Froots... I feel sorry for you having a burned finger... But you just asked "Do you want to kiss it better?" ....I ain't kissing my screen ...That would just be weird and unsanitary 4. True... I like seeing J.R. Bourne as the Dark Commander... He's got a great way of acting evil ...Not as much fun as a certain trench coat angel but certainly getting there 5. NOPE. No sarcasm AT. ALL. ....It IS an easy conclusion to make Froots... Code disappears after Russell is seen making a deal with the Dark Commander... It's just a thing that went over your head I suppose 6. Why do these people care so much about Clarke? ....My theory (cause I honestly don't remember) is that they've somehow heard about Clarke's impressive skill at pulling levers and pressing buttons... SOMEWHERE. on this planet of theirs... There's the ultimate button that can prevent this ultimate war they keep mentioning and they NEED. Clarke... Cause she's the chosen one... Only the chosen one has the strength and fortitude to push that shit ...added later... Oh ok his daughter's mind is on the drive.. Lame ..I like my button theory better 7. Yeeeeeaaah... Characters on this show win fights for the sake of the story... I stand by the fact that the old crazy man could've never beaten Echo ...Here we have another example ...Hope is getting her ass handed by Diyoza ....Was Hope not paying attention when she got taught by the crazy old man and her "dad"??? She SHOULD be able to match Diyoza in fighting skills especially since she's younger and I bet Diyoza hasn't really been in a fight since she had Hope 8. Echo.. While maaaaaybe a little crazy (I don't agree but for argument sake) is still a Grounder... I don't think it's out of character for her to do a Grounder thing and show blood on her face ....It's like she said.. A thing her people do to indicate she's ready to go to war ...Yes sure she's come a long way from being a spy or whatever and she's considered one of them ...But she is and always will be a Grounder... That's in her upbringing ....To argue that she shouldn't do this kinda stuff or act this way to me is like if you'd argue for Teal'c to stop following Jaffa rituals and tell him to "be normal" cause he's on Earth ...Normal by who'se standards?? It'd be an insult to his culture ...This is why I don't agree with you ...Echo's "out of character" behaviour at the sight of losing Bellamy is due to the fact that deep down she's still a Grounder ....Grounders gonna Ground 9. Why do they need 10 digits to dial another planet?? Seems a bit much to me.. You only need 7 to dial on Stargate (8 to go to another galaxy) and you can go to thousands of different worlds with that ...10 digits is just overly complicating shit... And from what we've seen there's only like.. 6 worlds or something like that that they can go to .....They need to go to Abydos and get some more addre........... Oooooohhh.. Too soon? 10. Hehe... Y'know what I just realised... These guys are related to The Second -->Dawn<-- ...And they think Clarke is "The Key" .....I'mma just leave that here 11. True... The actress opposite Bill's daughter (I'm not spelling her name.. FUCK. THAT.) was Lilith (or Lilly) the girl who hung out with Young Emma on OAUT 12. Ughtan is a cockroach... He'll bore his way into anything ...I legit don't remember him showing up cause I can happily say I didn't know him at the time.. So it'll be interesting to see if he's just as boring here as he was on the other show 13. WHUT????? In the last episode Gabriel said they needed 10 symbols... Now they're stating it's 7???? WHO.... WHOOOOOO. watched Stargate in between these 2 episodes?!?! ....And also... I checked... Julie Plec didn't write for The 100.. But I would NOT. have been surprised if she had 14. Ok so I looked this up... Becca basically landed right in front of Polis in 3x07.. The people seen coming towards her looked like they were wearing some sort of armor.. Military I think or Grounder armor (but I feel I can definitely see a soldiers helmet on one of them in the 3x07 episode I just checked on Netflix.... I feel MAAAYBE they could've also re-edited this in future bluray/streaming releases or whatever after Season 7 came out to further fix a visual plothole ...Cause for some reason I remember seeing obvious Grounders approaching her when I first watched it) .....Given however that we can't really see who the people were in 3x07 since they were too far away from Becca when they approached her... I think the most likely scenario is that the writers jumped at the opportunity to use this for their story for 7x08 ...And that it WAS. meant to be Grounders in 3x07 but they changed it to Second Dawn in 7x08 to fit their narrative 15. So now we know how people from Earth got to Bardo ...Great... Cool.. BUT. I'mma just point out the EXTREME. convenience that this anomaly.. With which we can only travel to a handful of other planets as far as they're aware ...ALSO. goes to Sanctum.. 1 planet.. In our galaxy... That just HAPPENS. to also have humans from Earth on it ....Given that our galaxy consists of a 100 billion stars with probably a billion chances for habitable worlds ...I find the likelyhood that they just are able to stumble onto these 2 planets to be VERY.. VEEEEEEERYY convenient ....You may hit that button now Froots 16. Also... We see here that the anomaly stone was inside Polis all along.. Most likely left there too after Second Dawn went through so nobody told the Grounders to move it somewhere... Yet we've never seen an anomaly be formed after ...Are we supposed to assume Second Dawn NEVER. tried to go back to Earth for a quick trip or whatever? They seem to go to the other planets quite often ...I feel this is further proof that the final 2 seasons were NOT. planned from the very beginning like the producer wants us to believe ......I mean... With the end of Season 5 being "end of book 1" and keeping in mind that all the books of The 100 were put into those first 5 seasons ....It's safe to assume that the whole mention of "We planned this ending since the beginning" was just an excuse and the anomaly having never been seen before was new and the people Becca saw in 3x07 really were just Grounders before this episode 17. Dude.... That wasn't a weak punch... Ughtan just wanted to lightly touch that guys face cause he was probably feeling lonely and that guy was like "I don't swing that way buddy" and fought back 18. Wait what??? Ok... Here's my issue... These guys ALL. have guns ok? ....Girl with the unpronouncable name just shot her brother and then is like "Let us go or you're next!" ...They outnumber her by A. LOT. .....She doesn't have the high ground here yet all of these guys stand down and let her leave???? Who wrote this?? 19. Was 7x08 a good episode.. Sure.. It connected some dots... Would it have been a good premise to a new show coming off of The 100? I'm not so sure... Which plotline would it have followed? The Grounders who we'd watch while they just tried to survive and for some reason started speaking Trig even though there was no reason for it (kinda lame) ...Or take everything bad from Season 6 and 7 and have it be about the people of Bardo who for the longest fucking time would only be able to go to a handful of other planets and who would be talking about the last war every chance they'd get but couldn't show anything cause they hadn't met The 100 for another couple of hundred years ....I can see why they passed on making this a show ....Besides... How about we don't give Ughtan any more screen time please and thank you