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AshLand Writer

They took out Russel’s mind drive so that Shadeheda couldn’t be re-resurrected into another host. In the previous episode you were talking about the haircuts. In television shows, whenever there’s a time jump, actors are given the option to change their hair. Otherwise, it needs to stay consistent throughout the show. It’s likely that the actresses just wanted to get their hair cut. Whether they’re satisfied with the results is another story. Personally, I get my hair cut every few months. It starts out un-tamed, but it looks better as it grows out. I get it cut again once I start of feel the sensation of spiders on my neck and face. I watched the director’s commentary for Buffy, and in one of the episodes he pointed out that Anya had three different hair colors. Originally, Anya’s actress and Buffy’s actress both came back to set with the same bright blond hair. It was difficult to tell the difference between the two of them from the back, so they requested Anya’s actress to change her hair color. It took a couple tries for it to be noticeably different.


1. You were wondering and I bet nobody told you... Your mic didn't fuck up ...You're good 2. Nah you just missed it Froots... Eliza Taylors name is in the credits just after the show title... Which by the way seems to be changing more frequent now with each episode I think 3. Yip... The Sanctumites remind me of religious people on Earth ....There's some stuff I'd really LOVE. to say in this note.. But it would get WAY. too long and it'd upset every religious person out there ....Just dial whatever reaction you had to what these guys were doing in 7x05 up by a 1000 and you'll be on your way on what I think about these people 4. Lemme just post this here to perhaps help you remember just in case you forgot ...And I'll try to make it quick ...Octavia is in the chair remembering stuff ...THIS. is Octavia BEFORE. she comes back to Sanctum with the tattoos on her back ...BEFORE. she had a vision of Pike and thus BEFORE. her yelling she wanted redemption .....Yet here she is... Remembering stuff that hasn't happened to her yet 5. For further clarification let me just put it like this: ------- 6x08 - Octavia goes through the anomaly.. Comes out the other end 3 months after Diyoza and spends years with Diyoza and Hope on Sky Ring ...Then both her and Diyoza get taken to Bardo and Hope is left alone --- Que to the events of 7x05 happening where Octavia has her memories shown.. One of them being of Pike and her talking about redemption... She is then given the back tattoo before she leaves through the anomaly back to Sanctum --- 6x08 - Octavia comes out of the anomaly on Sanctum a few seconds after she went in as shown earlier in 6x08 6x09 - Octavia has visions and one of those visions is of her talking to Pike about redemption ...The thing she remembered in 7x05 ...Something she couldn't have remembered since this hadn't happened yet Now... It COULD be a side effect from the anomaly... Where cause of time travel shannanigans she somehow remembers things that didn't happen to her yet (it's sci-fi ..time travel stories can be confusing.. and side effect like that CAN happen cause nobody really knows the true real life side effects of actual time travel if possible) ...But that was NEVER. stated.. The ONLY. side effect going through the anomaly without proper gear is that you lose your memories ...THAT. is what we've been told ....Either someone fucked up with the continuity in 7x05 OR. they should have been more clear on the side effects of travelling through the anomaly ...If it's the latter then it's much more likely to be an obvious last minute addition to make their story line work ------- 6. Ok... Octavia opening a door earlier I can kiiiiiinda forgive... I mean... Not EVERY. room needs to be locked and that clearly was some kind of console .....But Echo just touched a wall.. She knew a door was behind it???? No console or anything... That was definitely an example of TV Show gotta TV Show cause that's kinda impressive for an ex-grounder to figure out this "magic" wall that quickly 7. I dunno Froots... Echo has been shown before to go to great lengths for the people she loves ...ESPECIALLY Bellamy ...I don't think it's out of character for her to rage like that after seeing Bellamy die.. He's the person she loves most ...In fact I'd expect nothing less than everyone on that planet to get killed after something like that ...Maybe that's just my reaction though ....She went from spy who couldn't be trusted to the most loyal friend you could have ...I don't see where they went wrong 8. HA! Yeah.. Grounder for "Good morning" DOES sound like "Sun up yo" 9. Yeah apparently taking out the mind drive doesn't do shit any more ...I mean... Not the first time we almost saw it happen... Josephine could have been a permanent resident in Clarke's body if it weren't for the fact that the writers have a hard on for Clarke ....They don't have the same feelings for Russell though ...That's why the Dark Commander gets to stay and Russell is dead 10. True... They're on an ice planet.. But nobody is shivering.. It's like they're on a set with a green screen ...Or in a game where they might as well be walking around bare feet while looking for the P.O.I. 11. You about them crawling through a small cave tunnel: "Y'know if I were in this scenario I'd be claustrophobic" ...Froot... Never mind if you're claustrophobic or not... I know you... You'd have a full on panic attack in there ...But if you go.. I go too .......That creature with all the teeth though? .....That would be a problem 12. You bring up a good point Froots... Abadon and them are from the Prison Ship ...They should all be nightbloods according to what was said in Season 4 or something like that... Something along the lines of the prisoners were made into nightbloods to withstand the harsh environment of space to do their mining jobs 13. HOW did the Dark Commander get into Russell? Well at the end of Season 6 we see Russell talk with Madi (who was still under the control of the Dark Commander) She/he smirked after saying they both wanted the same thing and one can deduce from that that Russell uploaded the Dark Commander into his mind drive when we saw the code mysteriously disappear ...It's an easy conclusion to make 14. The spider bug inside the cave organism might just be one of the organisms kids.. Or maybe the spider bug just made a home out of the insides of the organism ....It's an alien planet Froots.. Anything is possible 15. No... Jordan and them weren't able to get to the Anomaly Stone this whole time... The cave / organism moved around a lot and so the passage to the stone was closed when they initially got there ...Even when they got seperated from Raven and Clarke that passage way wasn't there ....They got lucky that the organism moved again and they could get to the stone that's all ...They could've been stuck in there forever or get crushed to death at any moment