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While I didn't catch the show fully while it aired live, I have since watched it in full twice. Some of the humour is very much stuck in the 2000's similarly to Big Bang Theory and HIMYM but it amazes me how well defined all the characters are within just episode 1 and that even tho it's clearly a comedy first and foremost, even in the first episode you immediately get a sense that this show can also be incredibly sincere. Not to mention that it is pretty damn solid on medical accuracy especially compared to the majority of other medical shows.

Jeremy Burch

Scrubs has always been one of my favorite sitcoms, it's probably in my top 10 sitcoms. It definitely has some sillier humor, I don't know if I would call anything that happened in this episode cringey, the Office I feel like was more cringey, this was more silly, although it does have cringey jokes sometimes. I do like the creative humor in this show with all of J.D's cutaways. Plus, I feel like they use music well in this show and have had some great and memorable episodes and guests.

Patrick - Excelsior

A friend of mine that is a ER nurse convinced me to give it a try while it was in season 6. I started from beginiing and it took a few episodes but I really started enjoying it and I binged it until I was up to date and watched it as it aired live. The humor can be a cringey at times but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. Hoping it gets requested more.


Theres a few shows that ive watched from you (mostly the pilot selections) that ive really liked and started watching by myself. Thank you so much! I just started this show bc i liked this pilot and im on episode 7 and i love it so far.

Just James

#Out the door just in time heading down the 405 gotta meet the new boss at 8am# I love scrubs with all my heart, that this show broke on many occasions, the cutaways the guests the music cues the performances are all top tier and I rate it as highly as any other show ever made.

Jim Lewis