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Retro Tom

While clip shows are a necessary evil sometimes, I appreciate that SG-1 tries to have something important happen in the connecting scenes to still make the episode worthwhile while other shows would just do the bare minimum to connect the clips.


SPOILER ALERT DON'T READ annubis is a ascended ancient


Delete this immediately, Shannan has been told to avoid the comment section until it's gone.


i deleted it


Thanks, we're very strict when it comes to spoilers here. It's all so that not only does she not get spoiled of course but also so you guys can enjoy a genuine reaction. :)


hey tony i know this is probably the wrong place to ask but where/how do i find the selection vault to make a request? I mean she reacted to legion and it said available at selection vault tier but i can't find it or how it works.


The "Selection Vault" tier is the 2$ tier. This is the lowest tier, given you're able to post on a regular show I'm assuming you're already part of the 7$ tier or higher. To make an actual selection, you'd have to obtain a spot in the "Movie & TV Show Request" tier. This is the 30$ tier. Spots in this tier are currently all sold out and so is the "Temporary Movie & TV Show Request" tier. Keep an eye out for those 2 tiers and maybe you'll be lucky to grab a spot there. In the mean time, you can find all of her reactions to Legion by going to our website, I'll provide the link here: https://www.aftershowreactions.com/Patreon-content/patreon-selected-reactions/legion-season-1 To find more information about the tiers and what comes with them you can go here: https://www.patreon.com/AfterShowReactions/membership


While I understand why clip shows episodes existed for traditional tv, I generally find them skippable. This one is the rare exception, because it’s just so satisfying seeing Kinsey get his little condescension finger thrown back in his face


Out of all the clip show episodes we have seen, this one was the most bearable in my opinion. I still remember the season 1 clip show episode (which also included Senator Kinsey). That episode's clips were insanely long. Regardless of it being better than the others, this was still a clip show episode which means it is below average in terms of general SG-1 episodes. Still, this episode did have some consequences; now every permanent member of the UN Security Council know about the Stargate. This includes the UK, France and China. Dealing with Russia was already annoying enough. The biggest highlight of this episode was the revelation that the Asgard are going to give us some of their technology by installing it inside the Prometheus as a thank you for dealing with the Replicators. Finally! Back in the beginning of season 3, when some of the System Lords came to Earth to meet with us and the Asgard to include Earth under the protected planets treaty, one of the conditions of the treaty was that the Asgard cannot technologically advance any of the people on the planets that fall under their protection. So technically, the Asgard just violated the treaty.

Retro Tom

I'm guessing that since Anubis tried to secretly circumvent the treaty twice last year & he has shown to have shields that are equal to or greater then the Asgard that they had wiggle room themselves in the treaty


1. How many system lords killed by now? ...Well from memory.. So far they've killed Ra.. Apophis.. Sokar.. Nirrti.. Cronos (although technically that was Teal'cs robot duplicate) ..Hathor ....And some minor ones like Seth.. Tanith.. Imhotep.. We were there when Heru'ur got killed I think.. Does that count? Participation points? No? ...Meanwhile the kill counter for the Tok'ra is still at zero yeah ...As said before.. We are doing SO. MUCH. better ....But it's not a race ...Cause... If it was we'd be crushing them /diss 2. Major Davis praising SG-1 for saving the day... Yeah... What about the other teams? I'm fairly certain SG-2 or 3 or whatever has had to bail out SG-1 on some occasions 3. Yup... 6x17 was another clip show.. The 3rd one so far by the way... The others being 1x21 "Politics" and 2x22 "Out Of Mind" (the one where they wake up "in the future" but are just kidnapped by Hathor) ....When it comes to clip shows.. I don't like them either... But on SG-1 I MUCH prefer this one to the previous ones ....Cause of 2 reasons ...1 is they disclosed the stargate program to the other large nations in power which can ultimately lead to something greater ...And 2 ..........Thor dissing Kinsey: "It's Supreme Commander" after he gets called Commander ..That's right! The old geezer just got dissed by an Asgard! 4. What the Chinese ambassador said was total bull bull ..."The government of China does not believe in keeping secrets from it's people" ...The writers of the episode could've done a better job there cause the People's Republic of China is VERY MUCH known for their censorship 5. HA! The look on your face when Kinsey suggests the N.I.D. take control of the stargate.. That and Thor's appearance make this episode entertaining 6. YEAH!!! Kinsey brought up a few events where the SGC was at the center of almost leading to Earth getting overrun / destroyed ....One of those events being the "Foothold situation" ...Y'know... The one that was said to have been deleted from the records just a few episodes ago? ....Apparently it wasn't completely deleted cause Old Man Kinsey got his wrinkley hands on a copy of the records ....I supppooosssse he COULD have found out about it AFTER the assassination attempt on his life though (same episode) ....But good on you Froots for pointing it out.. I didn't even make the connection the first time around to be honest ..Most of this episode I tend to kinda doze off cause of the whole clip show thing 7. So given that we're now shown an accurate recall of the events of O'neill meeting The Asgard in the episode The Fifth Race.. Something ONLY. O'neill could have told the SGC about in his mission report.. It's safe to say that when O'neill said he didn't remember a thing when he came back.. He meant he didn't have the Ancient knowledge any more... He DID. remember meeting The Asgard ...Mystery solved. 8. Yeeeeaah it would be kind of a treaty violation if The Asgard gave us Asgard weapons on Prometheus... I think the writers kinda fucked up there ....Shields I can believe to a certain extent.. They might give us a bit of a boost in the strength of the shields we already had... But ACTUAL. Asgard weapons? Nah... That's got to be a fuck up... Right? 9. I duuuunnoooo Froots... You think everyone changing their minds feels a bit convoluted ...And keep in mind the Chinese ambassador said he still had his reservations... You have to admit though... If an Asgard beams into your conference room ...And you've just been briefed that they are one of THE. MOST. POWERFUL. alien races out there perhaps only outdone by The Ancients themselves ....You tend to listen to their suggestion to have the SGC stay in control of the stargate program

Mike Simonton

Yeah, her eye roll at the Chinese ambassador was very funny.


I thought the treaty was thrown out the window long ago when they attacked the planet Heimdall was on