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i am sorry

i said i was sick but its not like cough sick

its mental health atm (the last few days I've felt really depressed, not too sure why but it's been really really bad)

and i think i need the rest of the week for my mental health.


I've filmed 3 regular reactions, i'll post those. (The 100 7x03 & 7x04. Stargate 6x17)

I've also filmed 6 selections, i'll post those as well.

everything else will move down a week and I'll compensate for the lack of content this week when my brain is working better.

Stargate SG-1 6x18 will be posted with 19 and 20. So next week will have 3 Stargate to compensate for this week.

Grimm 4x01 and 4x02 will be together. 

I'll work the rest out next week. 


Susan Deans

Take your time. Sadly depression doesn’t usually give you a why. I know that from experience. Look after yourself.

Retro Tom

Take what time you need. You're more important then the content


Sorry I missed this post at first. Mental health is the trickiest thing ever. Good days, bad days, or what my friend and I call "banana pudding" days where your brain is just mush. Know that you've got love and support from your friends. :lemons:


This is simply unacceptable. You NEED to give us your reactions right NOW. (No im just playing lol get better soon.)