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Zach Hershman

This episode had an extremely rare event happen. Dr. Frasier was actually helpful...


I like that this episode was a callback to the episode where the aliens took over the SGC back in season 3. You know... the episode where they tried to gaslight the audience and Sam into thinking it was all in Sam's head because of a "chemical spill". Because it was a major plot point in this episode, they actually left out the season 3 episode out of the "previously on Stargate SG-1" so that the audience couldn't figure out how it was all done beforehand and therefore ruin the plot of this episode. I also appreciated the little callback to the 1969 episode back in season 2 where Daniel taught Teal'c how to drive.

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-23 01:15:10 1. You asked how time progressed while SG-1 was on the Asgard Lego Monster overrun homeworld ...They stated at some point that an hour was equal to 4 days for the Lego Monsters ....Later on SG-1 got mind probed and then put on the Prometheus.. When they woke up Carter checked the time and said they'd been out for 37 hours ...37 x 4 = 148 days ....And that's just the time accounted for while they were unconscious ....Hammond must've been worried sick about his team 2. Yup... Not one of SG-1's finest moments ...They saw an artifact and decided to bring it back to Earth ...The equivalent of "Ooooh shiny!" facepalm ...mumbles... There should be rules against this kinda bullshittery 3. HA! That almost made me spit out my Pepsi... You watched a podcast of the Charmed episode "Sight Unseen" on the same day you watched THIS episode.. Which was also called "Sight Unseen" ...It's uncanny how much this happens to you ...It's like you're attracting this kind of stuff ......Wait a minute... You're the magnet O'neill keeps talking about! 4. Yeah... Even a dum dum can figure out that touching the device is what made Jonas see those bugs ...Sam acting like a total idiot not knowing what's going on is COMPLETELY. out of character for her ...No wonder I don't remember this episode... This episode is all kindsa STUPID.! 5. Jonas is saying that the symbols on the device represent those used by The Ancients ....Bish... I know my Ancient.... That ain't it! ..Not even close! ..The art department fucked up on this one 6. ....Ok.. I get it now... Some people see bugs after having either touched the device or been touched by someone who has.... And others being in the vicinity of the device are touched by a case of the stupid ...Check 7. Sooooo.. We saw Jonas touching Teal'cs shoulder in the Gateroom in the beginning of the episode... How did everyone else get infected??? Why are people touching each other all over the base?? What's going on in the locker rooms .....Y'know what? ...On second thought ...I'm good... I don't need to know 8. Hammond: "Colonel O'neill is rounding up anyone he may have come in contact with" ...pauses... Ok for real ....I don't get out much.. Ok?.. We know this... But when I do.. I don't make it a habit of touching everyone I see... The FUCK. is O'neill doing??? Cause it for damn sure ain't fishing!! 9. Yeah not quite sure what the dude driving that truck was thinking... I mean.. Perhaps by swerving all over the road like he's practising his Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift skills he could somehow yeet the bug off his car maybe? I dunno... I'm TRYING to make sense of all this Froots.. But like you I'm just getting more confused 10. Hooooooooold up... Let's not skate past this like nothing happened... Teal'c shows up outside the base stepping away from the driver's side of a car like this mofo just drove here??? When did mah dude learn to drive!?!? (I'm leaving this note up cause it's uncanny how this literally got answered in the next episode.. It's happening to me now too Froots! I've become a magnet as well!) 11. Is it just me or does O'neills car-kit or whatever that's supposed to be.. Look suspiciously like a cheap ass Sony knockoff headset?? I've had some phones in my life.. I've seen some car-kits... NEVER. have I EVER. seen one that had crossplay function with Playstation 12. Me... Speaking for O'neill walking into the hangar: "Vernon! ....You need to stop touching people mah dude... It ain't right!" ......Then again... O'neill shouldn't be saying that.. Dude's been touching people all over Colorado 13. Miss Direction is married to Mr. Reese? You fucked up on that joke Froots.. Pretty sure it should then be Mrs. Direction... Cause ofcourse we live in 2023 and she didn't take her husbands last name ....You tried 14. Yeah I don't buy the whole "We deleted mention of the foothold situation from all records" ...I'm not sure why the writer decided to go this route ...They could've just as easily put in another mention by Jonas that he remembers reading this in the mission files ...Plus yeah it's like you said... If all mention has been deleted from the record... How do they explain those mimick devices?? Where did they come from?? 15. Wow.. The bad guys screwed up on this one ...They could have put the real mimick devices back into storage right after the "assassination" ..That way when Carter came to inspect them she'd find that nothing was tampered with ....Then... When O'neill is behind bars for life.. The bad guys would sneak back into Area 51 and steal the mimick devices again and replace them with fakes ....They could've gotten away with it easy peasy 16. Ehm... So you're telling me the mimick device turns you into another person.. Makes you look identical to that person... But this advanced alien device that can fool people into thinking you're someone else draws the line when it comes to faking finger prints? ....Seems like a bit of an oversight to me 17. .....Oh... Ok.. So I guess that answers my question as to when Teal'c learned to drive ...I guess I wasn't the only one and someone on production questioned how Teal'c was able to drive last episode and so they threw in this one liner where Teal'c says it was Daniel back in 1969 ....Mystery solved I guess 18. gODDAMN!!!! Did you see that shit!?! Teal'c knocked that dude the FUCK. out!! Dude made half a backflip running into Teal'cs arm! 19. Offering to send him off world as sort of an alternative way for witness protection wasn't revealing a secret to him.. Goku already knew about the stargate program Froots
2023-01-22 15:43:37 1. You asked how time progressed while SG-1 was on the Asgard Lego Monster overrun homeworld ...They stated at some point that an hour was equal to 4 days for the Lego Monsters ....Later on SG-1 got mind probed and then put on the Prometheus.. When they woke up Carter checked the time and said they'd been out for 37 hours ...37 x 4 = 148 days ....And that's just the time accounted for while they were unconscious ....Hammond must've been worried sick about his team 2. Yup... Not one of SG-1's finest moments ...They saw an artifact and decided to bring it back to Earth ...The equivalent of "Ooooh shiny!" facepalm ...mumbles... There should be rules against this kinda bullshittery 3. HA! That almost made me spit out my Pepsi... You watched a podcast of the Charmed episode "Sight Unseen" on the same day you watched THIS episode.. Which was also called "Sight Unseen" ...It's uncanny how much this happens to you ...It's like you're attracting this kind of stuff ......Wait a minute... You're the magnet O'neill keeps talking about! 4. Yeah... Even a dum dum can figure out that touching the device is what made Jonas see those bugs ...Sam acting like a total idiot not knowing what's going on is COMPLETELY. out of character for her ...No wonder I don't remember this episode... This episode is all kindsa STUPID.! 5. Jonas is saying that the symbols on the device represent those used by The Ancients ....Bish... I know my Ancient.... That ain't it! ..Not even close! ..The art department fucked up on this one 6. ....Ok.. I get it now... Some people see bugs after having either touched the device or been touched by someone who has.... And others being in the vicinity of the device are touched by a case of the stupid ...Check 7. Sooooo.. We saw Jonas touching Teal'cs shoulder in the Gateroom in the beginning of the episode... How did everyone else get infected??? Why are people touching each other all over the base?? What's going on in the locker rooms .....Y'know what? ...On second thought ...I'm good... I don't need to know 8. Hammond: "Colonel O'neill is rounding up anyone he may have come in contact with" ...pauses... Ok for real ....I don't get out much.. Ok?.. We know this... But when I do.. I don't make it a habit of touching everyone I see... The FUCK. is O'neill doing??? Cause it for damn sure ain't fishing!! 9. Yeah not quite sure what the dude driving that truck was thinking... I mean.. Perhaps by swerving all over the road like he's practising his Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift skills he could somehow yeet the bug off his car maybe? I dunno... I'm TRYING to make sense of all this Froots.. But like you I'm just getting more confused 10. Hooooooooold up... Let's not skate past this like nothing happened... Teal'c shows up outside the base stepping away from the driver's side of a car like this mofo just drove here??? When did mah dude learn to drive!?!? (I'm leaving this note up cause it's uncanny how this literally got answered in the next episode.. It's happening to me now too Froots! I've become a magnet as well!) 11. Is it just me or does O'neills car-kit or whatever that's supposed to be.. Look suspiciously like a cheap ass Sony knockoff headset?? I've had some phones in my life.. I've seen some car-kits... NEVER. have I EVER. seen one that had crossplay function with Playstation 12. Me... Speaking for O'neill walking into the hangar: "Vernon! ....You need to stop touching people mah dude... It ain't right!" ......Then again... O'neill shouldn't be saying that.. Dude's been touching people all over Colorado 13. Miss Direction is married to Mr. Reese? You fucked up on that joke Froots.. Pretty sure it should then be Mrs. Direction... Cause ofcourse we live in 2023 and she didn't take her husbands last name ....You tried 14. Yeah I don't buy the whole "We deleted mention of the foothold situation from all records" ...I'm not sure why the writer decided to go this route ...They could've just as easily put in another mention by Jonas that he remembers reading this in the mission files ...Plus yeah it's like you said... If all mention has been deleted from the record... How do they explain those mimick devices?? Where did they come from?? 15. Wow.. The bad guys screwed up on this one ...They could have put the real mimick devices back into storage right after the "assassination" ..That way when Carter came to inspect them she'd find that nothing was tampered with ....Then... When O'neill is behind bars for life.. The bad guys would sneak back into Area 51 and steal the mimick devices again and replace them with fakes ....They could've gotten away with it easy peasy 16. Ehm... So you're telling me the mimick device turns you into another person.. Makes you look identical to that person... But this advanced alien device that can fool people into thinking you're someone else draws the line when it comes to faking finger prints? ....Seems like a bit of an oversight to me 17. .....Oh... Ok.. So I guess that answers my question as to when Teal'c learned to drive ...I guess I wasn't the only one and someone on production questioned how Teal'c was able to drive last episode and so they threw in this one liner where Teal'c says it was Daniel back in 1969 ....Mystery solved I guess 18. gODDAMN!!!! Did you see that shit!?! Teal'c knocked that dude the FUCK. out!! Dude made half a backflip running into Teal'cs arm! 19. Offering to send him off world as sort of an alternative way for witness protection wasn't revealing a secret to him.. Goku already knew about the stargate program Froots

1. You asked how time progressed while SG-1 was on the Asgard Lego Monster overrun homeworld ...They stated at some point that an hour was equal to 4 days for the Lego Monsters ....Later on SG-1 got mind probed and then put on the Prometheus.. When they woke up Carter checked the time and said they'd been out for 37 hours ...37 x 4 = 148 days ....And that's just the time accounted for while they were unconscious ....Hammond must've been worried sick about his team 2. Yup... Not one of SG-1's finest moments ...They saw an artifact and decided to bring it back to Earth ...The equivalent of "Ooooh shiny!" facepalm ...mumbles... There should be rules against this kinda bullshittery 3. HA! That almost made me spit out my Pepsi... You watched a podcast of the Charmed episode "Sight Unseen" on the same day you watched THIS episode.. Which was also called "Sight Unseen" ...It's uncanny how much this happens to you ...It's like you're attracting this kind of stuff ......Wait a minute... You're the magnet O'neill keeps talking about! 4. Yeah... Even a dum dum can figure out that touching the device is what made Jonas see those bugs ...Sam acting like a total idiot not knowing what's going on is COMPLETELY. out of character for her ...No wonder I don't remember this episode... This episode is all kindsa STUPID.! 5. Jonas is saying that the symbols on the device represent those used by The Ancients ....Bish... I know my Ancient.... That ain't it! ..Not even close! ..The art department fucked up on this one 6. ....Ok.. I get it now... Some people see bugs after having either touched the device or been touched by someone who has.... And others being in the vicinity of the device are touched by a case of the stupid ...Check 7. Sooooo.. We saw Jonas touching Teal'cs shoulder in the Gateroom in the beginning of the episode... How did everyone else get infected??? Why are people touching each other all over the base?? What's going on in the locker rooms .....Y'know what? ...On second thought ...I'm good... I don't need to know 8. Hammond: "Colonel O'neill is rounding up anyone he may have come in contact with" ...pauses... Ok for real ....I don't get out much.. Ok?.. We know this... But when I do.. I don't make it a habit of touching everyone I see... The FUCK. is O'neill doing??? Cause it for damn sure ain't fishing!! 9. Yeah not quite sure what the dude driving that truck was thinking... I mean.. Perhaps by swerving all over the road like he's practising his Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift skills he could somehow yeet the bug off his car maybe? I dunno... I'm TRYING to make sense of all this Froots.. But like you I'm just getting more confused 10. Hooooooooold up... Let's not skate past this like nothing happened... Teal'c shows up outside the base stepping away from the driver's side of a car like this mofo just drove here??? When did mah dude learn to drive!?!? (I'm leaving this note up cause it's uncanny how this literally got answered in the next episode.. It's happening to me now too Froots! I've become a magnet as well!) 11. Is it just me or does O'neills car-kit or whatever that's supposed to be.. Look suspiciously like a cheap ass Sony knockoff headset?? I've had some phones in my life.. I've seen some car-kits... NEVER. have I EVER. seen one that had crossplay function with Playstation 12. Me... Speaking for O'neill walking into the hangar: "Vernon! ....You need to stop touching people mah dude... It ain't right!" ......Then again... O'neill shouldn't be saying that.. Dude's been touching people all over Colorado 13. Miss Direction is married to Mr. Reese? You fucked up on that joke Froots.. Pretty sure it should then be Mrs. Direction... Cause ofcourse we live in 2023 and she didn't take her husbands last name ....You tried 14. Yeah I don't buy the whole "We deleted mention of the foothold situation from all records" ...I'm not sure why the writer decided to go this route ...They could've just as easily put in another mention by Jonas that he remembers reading this in the mission files ...Plus yeah it's like you said... If all mention has been deleted from the record... How do they explain those mimick devices?? Where did they come from?? 15. Wow.. The bad guys screwed up on this one ...They could have put the real mimick devices back into storage right after the "assassination" ..That way when Carter came to inspect them she'd find that nothing was tampered with ....Then... When O'neill is behind bars for life.. The bad guys would sneak back into Area 51 and steal the mimick devices again and replace them with fakes ....They could've gotten away with it easy peasy 16. Ehm... So you're telling me the mimick device turns you into another person.. Makes you look identical to that person... But this advanced alien device that can fool people into thinking you're someone else draws the line when it comes to faking finger prints? ....Seems like a bit of an oversight to me 17. .....Oh... Ok.. So I guess that answers my question as to when Teal'c learned to drive ...I guess I wasn't the only one and someone on production questioned how Teal'c was able to drive last episode and so they threw in this one liner where Teal'c says it was Daniel back in 1969 ....Mystery solved I guess 18. gODDAMN!!!! Did you see that shit!?! Teal'c knocked that dude the FUCK. out!! Dude made half a backflip running into Teal'cs arm! 19. Offering to send him off world as sort of an alternative way for witness protection wasn't revealing a secret to him.. Goku already knew about the stargate program Froots