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This is one of the best episodes of the season so far. I really loved Astra in this episode. I am afro-Latina and this episode had me in my feelings. To be relegated to menial work just because of how you look. They even tackled the hair issue, which few talk about in television. Were they usually have women of color with straighten hair because that's what many consider neat or normal. I think the reason that you did not like this episode was that you could not relate to it. Also, because the history of that time that the episode took place. Elenore Roosevelt was one of the most influential first lady's in US history. I liked how they incorporated her into this story. This is 2023 and still there is racism in the US and the world. Is this really progress?


Rest in peace Bishop. What you experienced in the end there is the result of good character writing. This episode's plot was overall not incredibly important but I still quite enjoyed it. Especially with how they revealed that the Legends majorly changed the timeline over the course of this episode, thus alerting evil Gideon to their location and this actually costing them Bishop's life. Gary and Gideon continue to be absolutely adorable.


I cant stress it enough how much i love that they found a way to have both Zaris. I love both of them. I like this bishop, hes not evil, he thought the legends was the bad guys and when he found out he instantly went on their side and he hates how he turns out in the future. I think its fair to like this version. Im disappointed you didnt like this episode. I really enjoyed it. Not one of the stronger episodes but still good. Hope you enjoy next episode more. This season feels more cohesive and like each episode connects to each other more seamlessly than some past seasons. Its hard to explain why i feel that way but i like it.