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I know its easier for us to complain and know that clarke isnt there but we saw everything. To them they arent thinking that and it makes sense. Even if i knew about what they have been doing that wouldnt cross my mind because i wouldnt want to believe its true. People have off days and weeks where they act different all the time. You can see on their face that they can tell something is wrong but they dont want to jump the shark and just start assuming. We just think its annoying because we know everything that happened. Its like when sam was acting weird in season 6 of supernatural. We didnt know what was going on but he was acting weird. Our perspective is different since we know what happened. Im sorry if im not making sense, im trying to explain myself but i have trouble putting my thoughts into words.

James jackson

While i appreciate Diyoza's perspective on second chances i prefer to see her story as a warning about the false narratives of history. That she was put in history books alongside the worst people to ever live by the same people who justified using prisoner/slave labor in dangerous mining operations only tells us she lost against a giant considering people like shaw knew her as a war hero whose honor inspired him to mutiny against the eligius corporation


I dont know if you noticed but diozas actress was on Chuck as Caseys Ex Girlfriend. Remember in season 1 episode 12? I just now realized since i binged all your reactions to chuck for the first time. I loved the show so much i couldnt wait and binged the whole series. (sorry i couldnt wait for the rest of your reactions)


1. Hahaha! I might have laughed a bit loud on that one.. Neighbours could probably hear me as you... Once again.... Read travel time as time travel when I called you out on it in my notes 2. Holy shit you're right... I made a Martouf being alive mention.. I didn't even think the chip in his head is kinda like Martouf's symbiote... Good catch! 3. You'll always be Shannan to me.. I think it's a name that's special ..Or at least it is to me ...But if I'd HAVE to give you a different name though as you suggested in the comments ...thinks... ....Geblurkenflurf ......Bit of a mouthful.. But since you're my bestie I'd just adorkably call you Flurf instead 4. You.. About Jordan getting laid so easily: "There's probably not a lot of flock to choose from" .....Flock??? ....Excuuuuuuuuse me princess??? Are we in medieval times??? ...Flock?? ....Seriously Flurf?? 5. Ewwww.... Did Josephine just call Clarke's body a "Ferrari"??? ....Ferrari's are ugly cars and they're way too fucking loud 6. The fact Diyoza hasn't suffered a miscarriage with all the shit she's pulling off is fucking amazing ....Running through the woods like that while she's what? 8.5 months pregnant or something (given a 100+ years) ...A...FUCKING...MAZING 7. Yeah.... Sure Abby... Clarke is coming down with something... One of the symptoms is she writes with her other hand all of a sudden ....The FUCK. kinda doctor are you!?!? ...Not only that.. But you're her mother!! ...It's like... Bish... Is you stupid!?! 8. Well Froots... I guess Gabriel loved Josephine so much he devoted the better part of his life to get her back ...Love makes you do things you never thought possible 9. Yeah the white spot in that dude's hair looks weird... Like... How does that even happen??? It looks so unnatural! Y'know what? That's a decision! ...Dude woke up one day and decided to put that in his hair thinking he'd look cool... Thought we wouldn't notice.. We did 10. "This is what happens when you try to make an omelette without breaking any eggs" Making an omelette without breaking the eggs??? Yeah you'll just end up with eggs rolling around in a frying pan ...I'mma tell you right now.. That shit ain't gonna work 11. Josephine has been fucking up so much around Skaikru... How have they not figured this shit out yet??? These guys are dumb ....I mean yeah Bellamy figured it out but too little too late 12. C'mon Murphy... Don't be an idiot! ...She just told you Clarke is dead and offers "you" immortality??? Fill in the blanks dude! It's not gonna be you! ....And let's not kill of Murphy please and thank you.. He's the only good thing about this show!


I have a question, what do you think of season 6 so far? Im really enjoying this season and love how fresh and new everything is. Its fun to be on a new planet and have new storylines that are more science fiction based.