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I hate that part when Jordan is opening up about his inner demons to Delilah and her response is just "let's have fun and do it ☺️ *takes off clothes*" like huhhh 😭


I understand why kids in these type of shows want to go to school. Madi has never been, she wants to be a normal kid and have normal kid experiences. She wants to make friends and play with people her own age.


1. Nope... We might have had a "breakthrough" with a theory of developing a light-speed engine as you are somewhat trying to say... But it would take an INSANE amount of energy to power such an engine... And when I say INSANE... I mean harnassing the power of the sun or greater ...Something that we are most decidedly NOT. able to achieve and probably won't be able to do for another 1000 years ....Also if it had to do with something related to something with the word quantum in it then you probably misinterpreted it. We're trying to develop quantum computer tech which can send data from one point to another in an instant. Think Quantumania (ant-man) it's done on a VERY small scale.. This is not the same as sending a spaceship through space... That would take infinitely more energy to power ...Again.. We're not able to do this by an insanely long shot /rant 2. Jeebus Froots.. Every time I mentioned "Travel time" ....You seem to mess it up and read it as "Time travel" even when it's mentioned several times in one note... I bet you even messed it up just now ....The 100 fucks up "Travel... Time" ...You don't ever read a note and go "Huh? What are you talking about? There's no time travel on The 100"? 3. Martouf is alive! And he has a beard! 4. You were wondering what was happening in that blurry scene where Diyoza told Madi to blink how many bad guys there were ....I suppose they had to blur it out.. Cause what happened was the bad guys decapitated one of the primes and held his severed head up ...Hence why Madi was looking shocked (If this were a certain zombie show, you'd see that shit up close.. Aren't you lucky this is a CW show hey Froots?) 5. Yup.. If they were a bit more of a functional team and people didn't immediately spill their origin stories.. Clarke and them would probably be welcomed much more easily into Sanctum 6. You saved our village so we're allowing you to stay .....Naw bish... We saw Clarke is a nightblood.. THAT is why you're allowed to stay 7. Ruby.... You just gave a pregnant lady a bike... What would Mel think?? 8. How much is it bothering you that they keep showing a person called "Shannon" in the credits? (It's Jordan by the way.. Only other guy by that name I know of is Zod from Man Of Steel ...Weird name for a guy) 9. Ok I was about to laugh my ass off that Jordan would potentially get cockblocked TWICE. but that sadly didn't happen... Dude has been on the planet for ONE day and already got laid 10. Yeah kids on TV shows are weird... Who the hell WANTS to go to school??? ....If this were a real thing.. It would end in Madi going to school for one day and then coming home complaining she never wanted to go back again 11. Froots... You're trying to insert Josephines chip in the back of your neck but you forgot to say the passphrase you dum dum .....Which I suppose is a good thing.. I like you just the way you are 12. Yeeeeaaaahhh... Seeing certain memorabilia in the background would be nice... Like.. Those Flash rings ...Or.. Well.. Too late for the necklace I suppose ...smirk...